Another dual over Darwinism

Ian Jobling (formerly known as The Realist), writing at his website The Inverted World, takes me to task for (mistakenly) agreeing with commenter Trevor H. who had said that all Darwinian racialists must see people of “less evolved” races as being less than human. I did not mean to say that, and I have corrected the mistake and posted an apology at Mr. Jobling’s site. In the rest of his article Mr. Jobling takes issue with my rejection of the Darwinian theory of evolution, and also with my idea that Darwinians, because of their materialist reductive view of life, cannot be effective explicators and defenders of our civilization. I’ll reply in the near future.

Update: Trevor H. takes exception to my apology in the original thread, and I reply.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 17, 2008 08:04 PM | Send

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