Dutch Muslim politician tells the Dutch: “You are the foreigners here!”

A Dutchman, Jos Parbleu, sent to Rotterdam Labor Party councillor Bouchra Ismaili an e-mail about a Muslim extremist who had said, “We reject freedom of speech, because we reject democracy,” and “What you need is a heavy bomb attack.”

Did Ismaili take the side of the Dutch against the Muslim extremist? Hardly. She wrote back to Jos Parbleu:

Listen well, you crazy freak. We are here to stay! Hahahaha. Drop dead! I am a Dutch Muslim and I will stay that way until I die.

You are the foreigners here!!! With Allah on my side I fear no one. Me and my fellow Muslims are alive! Your species is being consumed by hatred. Let me give you some advice: Convert to Islam and find peace at heart!

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 19, 2008 08:01 PM | Send

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