“The End of the Obama Revolution”

Gabor Steingart writes in the English version of Der Spiegel:

The euphoria is gone, the friendly fire has started: Barack Obama is suddenly looking less like a superstar and more like just another candidate….

Hillary Clinton posed uncomfortable questions, which were aggressive and precise—and as a result effective. Were there dodgy dealings in Chicago? Why did he support the Iraq war in the Senate, when he has always been against it? What exactly does he think on the issue of abortion?

A pop star who has to put up with such questions is no longer a pop star. To ask to be treated more fairly is a risky strategy for someone who is aiming at the top job in the western world. It’s safe to say that Osama bin Laden isn’t going to be any nicer.

I am still deeply grateful that we were spared the total—and possibly permanent—immersion in celebratory racial PC to which we would have been subjected if Obama had won New Hampshire.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 22, 2008 11:53 PM | Send

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