Against Romney

Paul of Powerline analyzes the Washington Post’s shilling for McCain and its vicious swipes at Romney. As I’ve said before about Romney, never in American politics has a more decent and worthy man been the target of more unfair negative treatment. One is forced again to the conclusion that it is Romney’s very virtues and achievements,—his manifest goodness, uprightness, intelligence, business capabilities, and financial success—as well as his large and harmonious family and his good looks, that make people resent him and want to tear him down.

The human race is really something, isn’t it?

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Steve Sailer has also noticed the weird, ubiquitous, and apparently causeless hostility against Romney. He writes:

[W]hat exactly is the deal with Romney? I don’t watch TV much other than American Idol, so I’ve never seen the man say one word. When he speaks, is there something about him that makes people just not like him? On magazine covers, he looks like a distinguished President, and his resume makes him sound like the least likely to screw up royally of all the current candidates in either party. But I’ve almost never seen anybody anywhere express any warm feelings toward him. Does he just get on people’s nerves or what?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 30, 2008 11:23 AM | Send

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