Unrepentant McCain reveals he hasn’t changed at all on immigration

(Note: It’s even worse than McCarthy indicates. See Paul K.’s information below.)

Sen. McCain, If your immigration bill came to the floor, would you vote for it? [Andy McCarthy]
McCain won’t answer. Keeps saying it won’t be voted on.
For those of you who figured he was going to start inching our way, beware. He’s not willing to say that even something that has no chance of passing was a bad idea. It’s just a good idea whose time hasn’t yet come.
01/30 08:54 PM

- end of initial entry -

Paul K. writes:

Isn’t it even worse than McCain not answering? This is from his appearance on the January 27, 2008, “Meet the Press”:

TIM RUSSERT: If the Senate passed your bill, S-1433, the McCain-Kennedy immigration bill, would you as president sign it?

JOHN MCCAIN: Yeah, but the lesson is that it isn’t going to come, it isn’t going to come. The lesson is they want the borders secured first.

“Yeah,” he would sign it, but “they” want the borders secured. Quite a revealing statement.

LA replies:

How about that? So McCain openly admits that he hasn’t changed his position at all. His entire “surrender” on the issue, which was the basis of his resurrected campaign, is not just an obvious lie, it’s an admitted lie.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 31, 2008 09:31 AM | Send

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