Let us count the ways in which McCain is like a Democrat

David Limbaugh offers a powerful summary McCain’s politics:

If John McCain is the GOP nominee, that’s what we’ll be faced with, despite the Herculean efforts of some to spin it otherwise.

In that case, the presidential candidates of both parties would be willing to use the bully pulpit and governing power of the presidency to suppress political speech, punish producers, oil companies and drug companies, open wider our borders, cater to the whacko environmental movement and its junk-science-driven pseudo-consensus on global warming, nominate judges who don’t “wear their conservatism on their sleeve,” close Gitmo, confer constitutional civil liberties on enemy combatants, end life-saving interrogation techniques, demonize evangelical conservatives and obstruct efforts of conservative Republican legislators….

It would be one thing for a Democratic president to rail against capitalism, slander those as racists and bigots who want to protect the unique American culture and safeguard our national security through prudent protection of our borders and rule of law, routinely pay homage to the gods of global warming, and use the tax code as a weapon against achievement and realization of the “American dream.” But for a Republican, also falsely labeled as a conservative, to do it would be tragic.

We’ve already gone far enough in that dangerous direction under Republican administrations. We can’t afford to go any further.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 05, 2008 01:32 PM | Send

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