The Archbishop of the Deliquescent

On the same day that the nomination of open-borders McCain became inevitable, the piece of human putrescence known as the Archbishop of Canterbury told an interviewer that the adoption of certain aspects of sharia law in the UK “seems unavoidable”:

Dr Rowan Williams told Radio 4’s World at One that the UK has to “face up to the fact” that some of its citizens do not relate to the British legal system.

Dr Williams argues that adopting parts of Islamic Sharia law would help maintain social cohesion.

For example, Muslims could choose to have marital disputes or financial matters dealt with in a Sharia court.

He says Muslims should not have to choose between “the stark alternatives of cultural loyalty or state loyalty”.

The civilizational traitors, such as McCain, Hillary, Obama, Williams, are in charge of our civilization. That’s the truth. But that doesn’t mean it’s over, and we’re not going to give up.

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Matthew H. writes:

In case you had not seen it.

Just look at him. Pathetic. Outrageous. Beneath contempt. The suicidal narcissism of les Soixante-Huitards incarnate. The blood of every American GI wasted in saving that sorry, degenerate continent cries out to heaven.

I am reminded of the way Russians might have felt witnessing the collapse of the Soviet state. It is all happening so fast, and in this case, apparently by the choices of ostensibly free peoples. And this time it is not the malign empire of International Socialism that is dying but the free and liberal nations, the vessels and guarantors of reason, law, order, science and art not to mention the Christian Faith.

Rick Darby writes:

I’m really glad he has said plainly that adoption of some aspects of sharia law “seems unavoidable.” If that isn’t shock treatment, I don’t know what is. Maybe it was a trial balloon that the UK leftist establishment encouraged him to send up, or maybe he is just so estranged from ordinary people that he didn’t realize he would set the cat among the pigeons.

Either way, though, the institutional creep of Islam is now out there, visible to anyone who isn’t absolutely determined to ignore it.

The Daily Mail has 161 comments, the great majority trashing his holy self in no uncertain terms. True, the Mail is a conservative paper—the only one in Britain, I think—but the depth of the revulsion is heartening.

A few sample comments:

  • “… there’s one law for everybody … I think that’s a bit of a danger.” The lunatics have indeed inherited the earth.

  • So, as I understand it, if you don’t like the law of the land that most people observe you can set up a religion with its own laws and the Government/legal system won’t touch you! So: One law for the Anglicans, one for the Roman Catholics, one for Methodists, Baptists, Jehova Witnesses, Muslims, Hindus, Unification Church, Church of Scientology, Latter Day Saints etc., etc., etc. The mind boggles.

  • The Archbishop currently presides over an Anglican Church that is rapidly disappearing into a huge multicultural Black Hole of his own making: multi-culturalism being a failed and totally discredited social engineering project.

  • Will no one rid us of this turbulent priest?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 07, 2008 07:52 PM | Send

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