The real meaning of Kosovo

Thomas Landen writing at the Brussels Journal explains the meaning of the new Kosovo “nation.” There is no Kosovo nation, just an artificial entity created along EU lines with an EU-style flag that no one waves. The flag waved by the Kosovar Albanians is the flag of Albania. They have no interest in this supposed Kosovo nation. Kosovo independence is simply a step on the way to the absorption of Kosovo in a greater Albania. Landen then talks about what would happen if the logic that the U.S. imposed on Kosovo, were imposed on southern California.

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Andy K. writes re “Kosovo independence”:

This development is disturbing, but worst of all, President Bush (and likely former President Clinton if he’s asked) are claiming that this is a victory for Multiculturalism! Bush recently said:

In your request to establish diplomatic relations with the United States, you expressed Kosovo’s desire to attain the highest standards of democracy and freedom,” Bush wrote. “I fully welcome this sentiment. In particular, I support your embrace of multi-ethnicity as a principle of good governance and your commitment to developing accountable institutions in which all citizens are equal under the law.”

Condi Rice said she welcomed “the commitments Kosovo made in its declaration of independence” to implement a United Nations-backed plan, “to embrace multi-ethnicity as a fundamental principle of good governance, and to welcome a period of international supervision.”

Wait just a minute, Mr. Multiculturalist-In-Chief! Kosovo is reported to be about 95 percent Albanian Muslim, and just five percent Serb. That’s about as non-multicultural as say, Clinton’s Chappaqua NY! In reality Kosovo should be seen as the total failure of multiculturalism, to the point that a specific ethnicity will form an entirely new country with as little diversity as possible. It’s a shame that the winner in the end is Islam. I wouldn’t be surprised if in a few years, after things calm down, Kosovo starts talking about a Dhimmi Tax on its Serb minority.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 20, 2008 01:47 PM | Send

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