A turn against Obama-god?

Paul of Powerline harshly criticizes both Michelle Obama’s pride deficit and Sen. Obama’s explanation/defense of same. It’s good to see this. John of Powerline then says something that brings me hope that Obama can be stopped:

Sometimes the seeds of defeat are sown, or become apparent, at what seems to be the moment of greatest triumph. It is possible that a turning point of sorts may have occurred over the last few days.

He then mentions three factors. First, McCain has begun to criticize Obama, pointing out his emptiness. Second, Obama’s victory speech Tuesday night was panned, the first time that has happened. John says it was because the speech was too long and the policies it trotted out showed that when it comes to specifics, there’s no there there. And finally

3. The Clintons aren’t giving up. This clip of Hillary speaking earlier today in New York is the kind of thing we hope to see more of: she endorses the idea that Obama has not a single accomplishment to his credit.

Do you believe that? A mainstream conservative is joining VFR in essentially rooting for Hillary (the mainstream cons’ long-time hate object) against Obama.

However, in a later post, John says that based on a conference call between Clinton campaign officials and the press, he concludes that the Clinton campaign is either on life support or dead.

Meanwhile Michelle Malkin has a good column on Michelle Obama’s lack of pride in country. She’s really indignant about it, and she shows the unnaturalness of it, the moral defect it reveals in Mrs. Obama. She lists various events and accomplishments that an American might feel pride over. And they’re not abstractions. Malkin has the kind of mainstream patriotism the neocons lack.

I am going to compile of my own list of things that have made me feel proud of America. In addition to the more familiar and shared objects of pride, such as the magnificent structure of the U.S. Constitution, or the Minuteman statue at the Concord Bridge, most of the items on my list will have to do with specific qualities of America as a unique country, culture, and people.

- end of initial entry -

Paul C. writes from Texas:

The single most depressing aspect of Obama’s impending victory is that the people who made the difference were White men. They voted massively against Hillary Clinton. Or did they? Perhaps they actually voted for Obama? I believe they did. For the silliest and most superficial of reasons. Think about Obama. What does he look like? Answer: a basketball player. And, as we all know, white American men have been absolutely brainwashed into worshipping black athletes, especially black basketball players. It just might be that these nitwits feel like they are voting for the political equivalent of Michael Jordan. A sad, trivial reason to cast a vote, but I just bet there is a lot of truth to it.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 21, 2008 11:51 PM | Send

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