Michelle, ma belle, cont.

More stunning self-important self-pity from Mrs. Messiah, reported at Powerline.

But here’s a further bizarre twist added at the bottom of the Powerline entry. It seems that a spokesman for the Obama campaign “may be telling a men’s club that Michelle’s whining is just rhetoric intended to make Barack competitive among Hillary Clinton’s female supporters.”

Wow! Has Mr. Messiah got clever advisors.

- end of initial entry -

Adela Gereth writes:

I note with horror Michelle Obama’s little slip of the tongue, as reported in Byron York’s article on her: “I don’t know what I would do, even if we weren’t running…” We? “We” aren’t running, only Barack is running; “we” are campaigning.

Surely someone with an Ivy League education knows the difference between the two (even if that someone was as awful a student writer as Michelle’s thesis reveals her to be).

Great, just what this country needs: another Democratic co-presidency.

I don’t think Michelle would be a highly visible in-your-face co-president as Hillary was but I bet her hostility to her country would continue to color her judgment and that her judgment would influence her husband. As POTUS, Barack would doubtless be just as nice no matter how often Michelle complained to him that she had little cause for pride in her country but I suspect her typically leftwing sense of grievance and entitlement helps keep him way to the left of center and would continue to do so.

Of course, an argument could be made that the mere electing of [the] Obama[s] to the highest office in the land and most important leadership position in the world would be so damaging that degrees of damage don’t really matter. Well, you can’t say we don’t live in interesting times.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 01, 2008 12:51 PM | Send

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