Looks like it’s time for a Michelle Obama national pride check-up

A comment at the American Renaissanec discussion board last week:

Now that the not-so-avuncular Reverend who married Barack to Michelle is being subjected to vicious white racist attacks (his flock of sanctified victims will so regard the criticism he’s receiving), I wonder if Michelle Obama’s new-found pride in her country is beginning to fade.

Whites have opened the doors to blacks as wide as any people could be reasonably (unreasonably, actually) expected to open them, but blacks continue to scream that the doors are shut. Even the many who have been able to walk right in.

And they care nothing for the havoc they have wreaked since the doors have been opened. They want to be loved and respected for who they aren’t.

I’d like to hear more from the white right about the anti-white Wright, but the AR forum seems to have been quiet since last week.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 17, 2008 02:34 PM | Send

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