What would Solzhenitsyn do?

Robert in Nashville writes:

I have followed thoughtfully your observations about the candidates.

We can choose between Obama, the (we now know) white hater who is otherwise a nice man with a warm smile; Hillary, so jaded as to be beyond human understanding; and McCain, the end-America-now-and-fight-a-thousand-years-for-universalism candidate.

All would end America, though in slightly different ways.

It seems to me that to participate at all would make one a collaborator.

Can you imagine Solzhenitsyn or Sakarov supporting or campaigning for one party candidate over another during the Soviet era?

LA replies:

That is a great statement that places things in their proper perspective.

- end of initial entry -

Gintas writes:

I’d add that Solzhenitsyn returned to Russia as soon as he could, he truly loved his country, as deformed as it was in the wake of Communist rule. He serves as an example of the patriot who loves his deeply flawed country. I believe we find ourselves in this position.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 18, 2008 11:56 PM | Send

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