Obama the uncompassionate, the merciless

The euphoniously named candidate with multiple identities keeps inspiring VFR readers to new heights of insight and eloquence. Responding in the thread, “Lies about My Grandmother,” Richard O. writes:

Obama’s reaction is an example of the tactic of forcing whites to walk on eggshells. Obama’s grandmother made one and only one comment (under the circumstances and with the justification you and Sailer describe). That one comment was enough to wipe the slate completely clean for Obama and force the accounting deeply into deficit territory.

His grandmother had taken him in and she and her husband were apparently spending considerable money on his education. I’ve not read anywhere that Obama found her personally cold, rejecting, or hateful to him. Nowhere has he stated that she indirectly or directly insulted him because of his mixed racial background at any time. But let her make one descriptive obsrvation (to her husband, not to Barack) about a bum on street who was aggressively pestering and frightening her, and it was enough to cause the buzzer to sound and send Obama reeling down the road.

It was like the classic scene in the movie Top Secret where the pursuing jeep slides to a halt and the fender just barely kisses the fender of the car pursued. A touch like a glove hand on a crystal vase, and, KRUMP, the cars disappear in a fireball. Obama simply ignores any kind of a balance sheet with pluses and minuses. The outrage of America is defined always and entirely by the trivial or entirely bogus event of the most recent two minutes.

Upwards of $4 trillion spend on Great Society programs if memory serves me and it means zilch. Some white schlub looked at Wright on the street the wrong way, and shazam! The cancer of irremediable white racism infects America always and eternally!

LA replies:

What Richard O. is pointing out is how liberals and blacks in general, and Barack Obama in particular, are, to whites, the exact opposite of God to mankind.

Consider the Augustinian Prayer of Humble Access, from the Book of Common Prayer, spoken just before the taking of Communion. This is not a Christian website per se, and in quoting this central prayer from the Eucharistic service, I do not mean to push Christianity on non-Christian readers, but to show something about Christianity as compared with liberalism.

Here is the prayer:

We do not presume to come to this thy Table, O merciful Lord, trusting in our own righteousness, but in thy manifold and great mercies. We are not worthy so much as to gather up the crumbs under thy Table. But thou art the same Lord, whose property is always to have mercy: Grant us therefore, gracious Lord, so to eat the flesh of thy dear Son Jesus Christ, and to drink his blood, that our sinful bodies may be made clean by his body, and our souls washed through his most precious blood, and that we may evermore dwell in him, and he in us. Amen.

That’s the way God through Jesus Christ treats mankind. Whatever our flaws that render us unworthy of being close to him, his mercy closes the gap and enables us to enter into Communion with him. That is God’s work.

But with liberals and blacks toward whites, and with Barack Obama toward his white grandmother, it’s just the opposite. No matter how good a person is, no matter what sacrifices a person makes, no matter that Madelyn Dunham, in her mid-fifties, took a regular job to pay for her grandson’s education at an expensive private school, and took a bus every day to work, the fact that she became frightened of a panhandler who accosted her at the bus stop and who was black canceled out all her goodness and turned her into a specimen of white racism to be trumpeted before the world 30 years later as the moral equivalent of the demented black racist and America-hater Jeremiah Wright.

In Christianity, a lifetime of active sins can be superseded by God’s grace, enabling a person to approach the altar and partake of Christ’s Body and Blood.

In liberalism, a lifetime of active virtue can be superseded by a single moment of being passively afraid of a black panhandler, rendering a person liable to be held up before the whole world, by the transracial messiah, as an example of white bigotry.

Such is the moral universe of the nice, talented, superior Barack Obama.

- end of initial entry -

LA writes:

Here is another example of how Obama has reversed Christianity. Mark Steyn writes:

When the British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan dumped some of his closest Cabinet colleagues to extricate himself from a political crisis, the Liberal leader Jeremy Thorpe responded: “Greater love hath no man than to lay down his friends for his life.” In Philadelphia, Sen. Obama topped that: Greater love hath no man than to lay down his grandma for his life.

LA writes:

Here’s another good line from the same Steyn column:

The pastor is a fraud, a crock, a mountebank—for, if this truly were a country whose government invented a virus to kill black people, why would they leave him walking around to expose the truth?

Stephen F. writes:

I once went to a very nice local performance of Gospel music, at a local college. The audience was half or more white. The music was superb. The leader of the group was explaining the history of black music, the idea slaves had that God would free them, in the next life if not this one. Then at some point he casually said something like that in spirituals, “the Master is the devil.” This, mind you, was not a Wright-type preacher but a very warm, polite man whose whole career had been bringing joy to people of all races through music, an educated man with a Ph.D. who was trying to get young blacks involved in Gospel singing to get them out of trouble and form a wholesome sense of community. But when I heard that statement, I thought, “He’s turning Christianity on its head, portraying blacks as sacrificial Christ-like victims and white people as devils, instead of acknowledging that ALL men are sinful and can only be redeemed through God’s grace.” The Master is the devil, so there’s no need for the humble awareness of one’s own sinful nature that the Prayer of Humble Access expresses. This seems to me a Third-World and dangerous interpretation of Christianity. It’s also the complete opposite of its white equivalent, liberal, brotherhood-of-man Christianity which calls on whites to renounce all racial interest and identity.

And yet whites are reassured by Barack’s “Christianity.”

While I believe many black Christians live according to more humble, charitable beliefs, the emergence of Wright and what I think is the same black anti-white attitude even in the most decent black churches, further calls into question whether there currently exists ANY institution or movement in U.S. black society working for black self-responsibility and the permanent renunciation of hatred of whites.

LA replies:

I don’t think there is. Much of organized black America is explicitly anti-white. There is no part of organized black America I know of that is explicitly anti-anti-white.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 22, 2008 02:03 AM | Send

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