Good Friday

After attending Holy Thursday services on Thursday evening, I did not do anything to observe Good Friday, and, I embarrassedly confess, my attention was not on the day at all. Yet a strange thing happened. You know how on a holiday, the day feels different, there’s a special quality in the air? I think it’s either because we are picking up the mental impressions of so many people who are focused on that holiday, or because the day itself carries those impressions. Well, throughout the afternoon and evening yesterday, even though I was doing nothing conscious or overt to participate in Good Friday and my attention was elsewhere as I’ve said, there was a sense of a deep heaviness in the air, though it was not unpleasant but beautiful. It was a continual awareness of the presence of Jesus, or rather of the fact of Jesus dead and buried in the tomb. Which is where, in the order of Holy Week, he still is now.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 22, 2008 09:42 AM | Send

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