McCain’s globalist agenda

If you go paragraph by paragraph through John McCain’s foreign policy speech, as I have done, you will see that virtually everything in it is about building transnational and global order. None of it—except for a passing mention of guarding our borders from terrorists—is about enhancing the well-being of the United States, as the United States. The United States does not really exist in McCain’s speech, except as an instrument for promoting and leading the way to a post-national and—though he speaks endlessly of freedom—unfree world. For example, he supports a common market and a common “security and prosperity” sphere for all of North and South America, and he also supports the establishment of a common market with the EU. But how did the present, increasingly totalitarian EU get started? As a common market. He talks endlessly about partnerships with fellow “democracies,” and he says that the threat of “radical Islamic extremism” is the greatest danger facing the world. He doesn’t notice that Europe is living under an unaccountable bureaucratic regime which through anti-hate speech laws prohibits its citizens from discussing the threat of … radical Islamic extremism. He portrays Europe as a key component of the expanding democratic world order. He doesn’t notice that when the peoples of Europe in popular referenda rejected the EU constitution which would turn Europe into a single superstate, the European governments simply bypassed the voters and now are poised to achieve the same result through a treaty that does not require popular approval. Yet he calls this transnational European monstrosity “democratic,” and he wants us to merge ourselves with it, in the name of democracy. He says he wants an ever freer world. But without the self-governing nation-state, which McCain’s agenda is plainly aimed at eliminating, there can be no freedom.

This is why, as ruinous as an Obama or Hillary presidency would be, it would be better than a McCain presidency. A Democrat in the White House would break the hold over us of this “conservatism” which is really a monstrous globalism. Globalism in a more honest, leftist form would be opposed by conservatives, instead of followed by them, as will happen under McCain.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 30, 2008 02:04 AM | Send

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