Fraudulent pro-McCain “poll” at FrontPage Magazine

GM writes:

On David Horowitz’s there is an advertisement that asks, “Is John McCain the right candidate?” The link takes you to this page which contains a survey about perceptions of McCain.

The wording of the questions in the survey reveals that the poll is sponsored by a pro-McCain group. For example, the first question is:

Sen. McCain’s voting record is one of the most conservative in Congress. Yet paradoxically some of his stands have so outraged conservative commentators that the have tried to excommunicate him from conservatism. From what you know of him, do you view him as a conservative?

I suggest that you suggest to your readers that they use this survey to express their rejection of McCain. That’s what I did.

LA replies:

While it’s hard to know what purpose could be served by a non-scientific poll consisting of six question, I agree that the wording of that first question is outrageous. Even though the mainstream media, McCain’s main supporter, has kept telling us that his conservative voting rating is something like 80, that’s an average of his whole congressional career spanning almost 30 years. In recent years, McCain’s conservative rating has been between the 50s and the low 60s. So this is a dishonest poll telling people lies, evidently in order to elicit from them responses that will somehow help the McCain campaign. So I support the reader’s suggestion that we register our own opinions of McCain in this poll. Time for a little “chaos” from our side.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 01, 2008 01:59 AM | Send

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