A reason for right-wingers to prefer the election of Obama

Jeremy G. writes:

Here is Ann Coulter with a new column on Obama. It makes me warm up to the idea of Obama as president. As does the experience I describe below.

Immediately after the Wright controversy erupted, I visited with my wife’s (very liberal) family. I was surprised that most of these very high IQ Jews remained steadfast Obama supporters. They actually supported Obama’s legitimization of black hatred against whites and felt that Obama had neatly cleared up the controversy. You’ve written before about the anti-whiteness that underpins liberalism, hidden beneath a carefully constructed image that they desire a unified and harmonious humanity. But with Obama, the core anti-white nature at the heart of liberalism begins to shine through more clearly. One benefit of Obama as the Democratic candidate and as president is that it forces his white liberal supporters to defend an indefensible position. My liberal relatives have no intelligent response when I tell them that they are supporting an avowed racist. And I can’t describe how good it feels to call them hypocrites to their faces. With Hillary as nominee and in the White House (or God forbid, McCain), the anti-whiteness at the core of liberalism remains hidden, even as liberalism progresses and becomes stronger.

The parallels of liberalism to Islam are astonishing and you have listed many of them before. Liberalism, in its aim to convert every aspect of society to egalitarianism and to crush all opposition in the process, is akin to the all-encompassing Islamic sharia, as you’ve written before. But now I see the parallels between liberalism and Islamic jihad. The underlying hatred for whites and the pleasure many liberals derive from the intense moral condemnation of whites and even physical violence against whites (which they defend as righteous and warranted when they are not actively working to hide this reality) is akin to jihad. But it is an inverted jihad. A jihad they have worked with great enthusiasm to unleash against whites as a group, but also against themselves and their own white children.

LA replies:

Jeremy has discovered an important new angle on this issue. It is not just that an Obama presidency would bring out into the open the anti-whiteness that is harbored by a very large part of black America; it would also bring out into the open the anti-whiteness of liberals. As Jeremy says, if Hillary or McCain become president, the anti-whiteness in liberalism will remain hidden, and will not be opposed; but if Obama becomes president, the anti-whiteness in liberalism will be revealed, and will be opposed.

Jeremy G. writes:

I wanted to add that the open race hatred of Reverend Wright that liberals are permitting by not condemning the hatred and by instead voting for Obama allows conservatives to attack liberals personally (in contrast to the past where conservatives mainly opposed liberals’ destructive policies while supporting their good intentions) by pointing out the immense contradiction between their outward professed belief in racial harmony and their inward mostly hidden belief in anti-white racial hatred.

It goes something like this: “You liberals profess a belief in racial tolerance and want American communities to be racially integrated, yet you are voting for a man who attends a racist church and raises his children on anti-white hatred. Do you really think it is possible for whites to live in these neighborhoods when blacks are permitted to hate whites?” Or how about this: “You liberals now say that it is legitimate for blacks to hate whites for sins that were committed hundreds of years ago. Does this mean that as a Jew I am allowed publicly to express hatred against Germans (please note that I do not feel any hatred towards Germans) for the Holocaust? Are Chinese and Koreans allowed publicly to express hatred for Japanese for sins committed during WWII? There is not a racial or ethnic group on the planet without some historical grievance against another racial or ethnic group. Your newly expressed beliefs on the relationship between blacks and whites in America, if followed by other racial and ethnic groups would fill the entire world with hate. I thought you liberals were peace loving people.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 03, 2008 08:30 PM | Send

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