Mexicans on the U.S. presidential contest

Allan Wall writes:

In Mexico they took a poll to see who Mexicans want for U.S. President! Hillary won, Obama was 2nd, and Juan McCain, despite all his pandering, got a whopping eight percent of the vote!

LA replies:


This shows that what’s going on with the Mexicans is pure identification with Democrats as Democrats.

It doesn’t matter that McCain is far more passionate and vocal on assisting the Mexican takeover of the U.S. than Hillary or Obama. McCain after all is just one person. The Mexicans recognize that the Democratic party is the party of open borders and treason and that’s who they go for.

The Republicans could Hispander from here to eternity, and they will never come remotely close to the Dems in attracting Hispanic votes. For the same results, the Republicans could, uh, defend America instead of selling her out.

Why then do they do it? Because this is not about winning elections. It’s about showing themselves to be good people—by liberal standards. The Republicans are sincere liberal Christians who ultimately care more about being good in the eyes of God (the liberal Christian God) than about winning elections or even preserving their country.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 04, 2008 02:14 AM | Send

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