Obama campaign has not silenced Michelle

You would think that by now Sen. Obama or his staff would have told Mrs. Obama to avoid the strident victimology that had been a hallmark of her campaign speeches. But nope, as of yesterday, she’s still uttering the same bizarre complaints I first heard her make in mid February ago about a mysterious “they” who keep raising the bar on her husband no matter how well he does. According to the AP:

At a later stop in Winston-Salem, Michelle Obama said each time her husband exceeds expectations in the presidential race, the standard changes.

“They tell you to raise money, you raise money,” she said. “They tell you to build an organization, and you build an organization.

“And you work hard and you reach that bar. Sometimes you surpass the bar and you look around and all of a sudden the bar has moved. The bar has changed on you and you wonder what happened.”

If Barack and his campaign are incapable of seeing how inappropriate Michelle’s paranoid comments are and to stop her, then, despite my own preferences that McCain lose, I have to say that Obama’s chances of winning the presidency are poor. McCain’s wife Cindy may look like a face-lifted kewpie doll 30 years his junior, but I don’t think the country is going to go for Michelle-type semi-pathological ranting in the White House.

Which would be too bad, because it would be the greatest lesson in race realism the American people have ever had, and might go a long way toward curing them of their liberal illusions.

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Bill in Maryland writes:

You write: “[an Obama presidency] would be the greatest lesson in race realism the American people have ever had, and might go a long way toward curing them of their liberal illusions.”

This is unlikely, unfortunately. Liberal illusions have persisted among whites despite Marion Barry’s drug use, Ray Nagin’s incompetence, Jesse Jackson’s hypocrisy, Al Sharpton’s mendacity and Jeremiah Wright’s deranged ranting. The behavior of individual blacks can always be dismissed as an aberration. Even the behavior of groups, such as the moronic whooping and hollering of Wright’s congregation in response to his nonsense, has no effect, and is for the most part ignored by the media. As far as the public is concerned, the one and only malefactor in the prosecution of the Duke lacrosse players is Nifong; the blacks of Durham, NC, who voted for him primarily because he was sticking it to a bunch of whites, are never mentioned.

LA replies:

Well, I said it “would” be a great lesson in race realism. That doesn’t mean that people will learn from the lesson, as I indicated when I said it “might” go a long way toward curing them of liberal illusons.

Maybe I should go into politics …

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 09, 2008 12:14 PM | Send

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