Spencer: ally of Charles Johnson

During the controversy last fall set off by Charles Johnson’s jackboot-style attack on the Flemish party Vlaams Belang and the Brussels Journal, I was not aware of Robert Spencer’s playing any particular role in the matter. The only Spencer participation I saw came much later, when, on January 20, 2008, responding with unseemly alacrity to a false report that Vlaams Belang had allied itself with the British National Party, Spencer denounced Vlaams Belang and explained why he thought any association with any party that cares about the survival of the white race is out of the question. I wrote at the time that Spencer’s position on race was wrong, though reasonably argued; I did not see it as a Charles Johnson-type imputation of guilt by association, or (Johnson’s specialty) guilt by association with Celtic cross bookend on bookshelf.

Later, people who had been involved in the affair told me of that Spencer had sided with Johnson through the whole business, but I do not remember having seen, then or later, anything of Spencer’s that convinced me that this was true. Today, however, I read an article by Spencer posted November 15, 2007 in which, airily claiming not to be taking sides or to be pronouncing anathemas on anyone, he fully endorses Johnson, whom he calls his friend, whom he describes (sounding like a courtier addressing a prince) as “illustrious,” and of whom he utters not a word of criticism, even as he repeatedly demands that Vlaams Belang and the Swedish Democrats take special steps to show they have “made a complete break” from any possible association with Nazi-like positions—an association which, of course, neither Johnson nor anyone else had successfully shown to exist. To the contrary, Johnson’s charges had been repeatedly exposed, by many including myself (see my articles linked below), as unsustainable and based on absurd inferences.

Spencer’s article indicated either complete obliviousness to or approval of Johnson’s techniques of character assassination. So I went back and looked up my main article on the subject, “The method of Charles Johnson.” I saw that it was posted November 3. Now by November 3 the debate had been going on for some time and much of the conservative blogosphere was aware of Johnson’s methods and had denounced him for them. Yet two weeks later, on November 15, well after Johnson’s campaign of vilification had been aired and discredited, Spencer was still behaving as though there was nothing objectionable about Johnson’s thuggish attacks, and he was putting the entire burden on Johnson’s targets to clear themselves of charges that had already been shown to be false, malicious, and unsupported by evidence.

Also troubling is Spencer’s treatment of the substantive issue, in which he elides any concern for the survival of European man with Nazism. He writes:

Fjordman argues that the indigenous peoples of Europe are being overwhelmed by an elite-driven attempt to render them minorities in their own countries, and that is a point well taken also. But there is cultural defense and then there is a white supremacism that is based on some idea of racial superiority and inferiority, and has via Hitler a historical link to genocide. They are not the same thing, and a distinction needs to be made between the two. If VB and SD have really made a clean break with the past, make it a complete one: let them deal with the ties to Le Pen and Haider, and make a distinction between cultural defense and white supremacism that is completely clear and distinguishes their position from the neo-fascists.

Notice how Spencer sets up a false choice between “cultural defense” and “a white supremacism that is based on some idea of racial superiority and inferiority, and has via Hitler a historical link to genocide.” For Spencer, any solicitude for white peoples as white peoples is by definition “white supremacism” which in turn is inseparable from Nazi genocide. For Spencer, there is and can be no such thing as concern for the white race that is not tending toward Auschwitz. Meaning, among other things, that virtually all leading figures in American history until the mid twentieth century, who as a matter of course identified with the white race and saw America as a white man’s country, were proto-Nazis.

Spencer’s doctrinaire liberal view of race illuminates his troubling failure or refusal to see anything objectionable about Johnson. As far as Spencer is concerned, it doesn’t matter that Johnson’s methods are deplorable; it doesn’t matter that the parties Johnson attacked have no association with Nazi-like groups or policies. If those parties have a smidgeon of a thought that Europe ought to remain racially white, if they desire that any historically white country maintain its majority ethnicity, or (as in Spencer’s January 20 article responding to the false report linking Vlaams Belang with the BNP) if they even associate with another party in another country that wants to preserve the historic racial make-up of its country, that is enough to mark them down as neo-Nazis and place them beyond the pale of decent society.

Finally, summing up the method of Robert Spencer, look at how, in a single sentence, he claims to be irenically above the fray even as he takes sides in it:

I am pronouncing no anathemas, although I repeat: I completely disavow and repudiate any neo-Nazi or white supremacist individual or group.

* * *

Here are my articles on Johnson’s’ attacks on VB and Brussels Journal:

Charles Johnson calls Brussels Journal “repugnant”
When the Europeans attempt to return to normalcy, which side will we be on?
The method of Charles Johnson
Correcting Johnson’s canard about Fortuyn and Vlaams Belang
The World War II-era links between Flemish nationalism and Nazism
Vlaams Belang aligns with BNP; Spencer says Charles Johnson was right

- end of initial entry -

Adela G. writes:

Spencer writes: “Fjordman argues that the indigenous peoples of Europe are being overwhelmed by an elite-driven attempt to render them minorities in their own countries, and that is a point well taken also. But there is cultural defense and then there is a white supremacism that is based on some idea of racial superiority and inferiority, and has via Hitler a historical link to genocide. They are not the same thing, and a distinction needs to be made between the two…”

They are not only not the same thing, they are polar opposites. The first concerns whites becoming a minority in Europe, the second is basically a description of the Nazi policy of Lebensraum, genocide perpetrated by Germans againist other European whites. No distinction needs to be made between them, they are demonstrably different to anyone who can read.

I have read many of Fjordmann’s essays and don’t recall his ever advocating anything like the “white supremacism” to which Spencer repeatedly refers. Only a liberal would fear that a discussion of whites becoming a minority in Europe needs to be defended against suspicions of advocating neo-Nazism and genocide perpetrated by white supremacists.

Spencer must live in a very tortuous world, in which to criticize his refusal to draw logical conclusions from his own evidence is to aspire to a kind of world domination (“Austerism over the West”), and to worry about whites becoming the minority on an historically white continent is to veer uncomfortably near to advocating white supremacism and genocide.

His assertion that “I am more interested in making common cause even with those with whom I do not agree on anything” is lofty, if nonsensical. I don’t see how a person can make a common cause with people with whom he has nothing in common. And it certainly stands in contradiction to his equally lofty and nonsensical statement: “I am pronouncing no anathemas, although I repeat: I completely disavow and repudiate any neo-Nazi or white supremacist individual or group.”

Unfortunately, his inability to speak plainly about the actual nature of the threats to the West limits his effectiveness as an ally in the fight to preserve it. His pussyfooting would be merely risible if anything less crucial were at stake. As it is, his name-calling and preemptive defensiveness are counterproductive and divisive.

Life is short. The less said about Charles Johnson, the better. Well, I guess I could say I think he’s way cool.

LA replies;

I want in particular to underscore this comment of Adela’s:

I have read many of Fjordmann’s essays and don’t recall his ever advocating anything like the “white supremacism” to which Spencer repeatedly refers. Only a liberal would fear that a discussion of whites becoming a minority in Europe needs to be defended against suspicions of advocating neo-Nazism and genocide perpetrated by white supremacists.


Janna K. writes from Finland:

Having followed the Jihad Watch website for roughly two years I definitely agree that Spencer and Charles Johnson are allies, which basically means that Johnson has helped Spencer in the past and therefore Spencer feels loyalty towards Johnson.

The whole VB debacle has put Spencer in a difficult position and he’s trying to get out of it by agreeing with both sides. This, of course, is impossible, since Charles Johnson takes no prisoners.

Spencer will have to choose sides at one point or another and I suspect he will postpone the decision as long as possible.

Spencer has repeatedly used the “Islam is not a race” argument to steer away from allegations of racism. If you do that, it is safer to hang on to liberal dogma than to acknowledge the right of Europeans to preserve their heritage.

To Spencer’s credit he still publishes articles by Fjordman and has so far refrained from criticizing the Norwegian blogger. I just wish that he would ditch Johnson and leave the guy to rot with his slimy lizards.

LA writes:

Here, sent by a reader, is an entry at Little Green Footballs in 2003 announcing the inauguration of Jihad Watch and the fact that JW was designed by LGF, meaning Charles Johnson.

If Spencer feels he cannot say anything critical of Johnson because Johnson designed his website for him or because he and Johnson are personal friends, then he should declare that fact up front and recuse himself from any comments on any controversy in which Johnson is involved. But that’s not what he did. He falsely claimed to be equally friendly and well-meaning to all parties, even as he sided with Johnson.

Fjordman writes:

For the record, I do still publish at Jihad Watch every now and then, and I think you are being too hard on Robert Spencer. I respect your blog for saying that Islam isn’t reformable, which is undoubtedly correct. Your basic policy of separating infidels from the Islamic world as much as possible is in line with my own. I disagree with you on some issues, but to be quite honest, what I dislike the most is how much time you spend on criticizing Spencer. He’s a good guy. Melanie Phillips is undoubtedly wrong if she believes in a moderate Islam, but she is improving. I heard her speak during a conference recently, and she was good. I’m not saying that we should never criticize those who believe in a mythical “moderate Islam” (I do so myself), but we should save most of our firepower for the real bad guys. And by the way, I seriously doubt whether Spencer believes in a moderate Islam.

LA replies:

Thank you for frankly sharing your views with me, including what you disapprove about my site.

The fact remains that Spencer sided with Charles Johnson, the man who would expel you and people like you from conservatism.

And the fact remains that while Spencer declined to criticize you directly, his paragraph that I quoted had the plain meaning that you are a Nazi type. So he goes on publishing you individually, even as he states ideas that would result in your being banished.

Think about it.

A reader from Belgium writes:

Your reader Janna K. from Finland hits the nail on the head:

“The whole VB debacle has put Spencer in a difficult position and he’s trying to get out of it by agreeing with both sides. This, of course, is impossible, since Charles Johnson takes no prisoners.”

RB writes:

In response to Spencer’s column, “Why the anti jihad resistance is not about race,” I posed the following questions. These were designed to make Jihad watchers who might not be concerned with mass third world immigration consider what the consequences of such would be for the struggle against jihad. I also noted that many of the posters following the column were critical of Spencer’s position:

Some questions: Does it mean that opposing the mass migration of peoples from entirely different backgrounds and ethnicities is “racist”? Could the “diversification” of the nations of Europe have weakened their will to oppose Jihad? If the US becomes a land of “squabbling nationalities” and if large parts of the American West secede to form Aztlan, will America continue to be (imperfectly and stupidly perhaps) the only major effective opponent of Islamic jihad? Finally, will masses of non-Muslim immigrants from Latin America or Africa use their increasing political clout to oppose Muslim immigration? Or might they themselves feeling insecure be reluctant to limit any “third world” group from immigrating? And is not limiting Muslim immigration an essential prerequisite to the survival of non Muslim nations?

BTW this is the 40th anniversary of Enoch Powell’s “Rivers of Blood” speech. Is he not being proved right?”

LA replies:

RB has gotten to an essential point that is missed by “single-issue” people, such as those who care only about the Islam threat. There is a total attack on the West, coming from all directions, made possible by the Western nation’s own deconstruction of their own legitimacy and historic identity. Part of that historic identity is their white majority character. Once the idea is established that the historic majorty people of a country is illegitimate, it becomes, as a practical matter, impossible to preserve any aspect of that country’s majority culture. Therefore, those who oppose Islamization need to recognize the necessity of recovering the fundamental legitimacy of the Western countries. As long as those countries are illegitimate in their own eyes, they have no solid basis on which to oppose Islam. A universal liberal abstraction cannot successfully oppose a concrete, particular, and militantly and universally expansive Other.

Howard Sutherland writes:

You are critical, and rightly so, of Robert Spencer’s refusal to recommend the actions (end Moslem immigration to the West; remove Moslems from the West) that are the inevitable conclusions from Spencer’s many warnings about Islam and jihad. I respect Spencer for his courage in taking on the difficult role of warning Westerners about a threat most simply don’t want to perceive (i.e., Islam itself as taught by the Koran and Hadiths; not “extremist terrorists” somehow “perverting” Islam). Like you, though, I wish he would follow through. He has a growing audience and its hearing a presentation from Spencer of the virtues of separation would be an enormous advance.

Why won’t Spencer take that logical next step, even though he has tip-toed around it a little bit? I don’t know Spencer, so what follows is only speculation and I hope I’m not misrepresenting him. If I am, I offer him my apologies.

Maybe Spencer is so opposed to a Western ethnic defense of the West as a place where Westerners (whites, if you like) should be the majority because he fears he and his family might be excluded from that West. In the Q&A on the About Robert Spencer page on JihadWatch.org, while Spencer doesn’t give much detail, he does say: “Since childhood I have had an interest in the Muslim world, from which my family comes. When I was very young my grandparents would tell me stories about their life there, and I always heard them with great interest.”

Of Middle Eastern immigrant stock himself, it wouldn’t be too surprising if immigration restriction makes Spencer nervous—especially if its purpose is to preserve the ethnic composition of Western nations. Where does that leave me—on the boat back to the Levant? Spencer might well wonder. As you know, a lot of people are very attached to the idea—as a characteristic of “free” countries—of high immigration with no distinctions about suitability of immigrants on the basis of race, religion or anything else.

While Spencer is Catholic, not Jewish, a personal anecdote may illustrate the difficulty: After the London Underground and bus bombings in 2005, I was talking to a colleague about them. He is an Israeli, a Londoner originally, hard-headed about the threats Israel faces and seems to understand what they really are (Moslem and Arab; not some generic Leftist “liberation struggle”). I said “After September 11th in New York, the Madrid bombing and now these London bombings, isn’t it clear we need to end Moslem immigration to the West?” Immediately he shot back: “You’ll be kicking out all the Jews next!” My friend and Spencer are not the same man, but I wonder if their reactions to that proposal aren’t basically the same: if you kick them out, what’s to keep you from kicking me out next?

I’m not trying to excuse Spencer, just trying to understand why he stops short of where I think his knowledge must lead him.

LA replies:

Some might say that Mr. Sutherland’s point is prejudicial against Spencer. I would say that his point goes beyond Spencer to a general point that is legitimate and important. It is a well established fact that many Jews automatically oppose any immigration restriction, because they think that it is or will be directed against them. Further, even when Jews want to restrict Muslim or other immigration, the fact that many of them have a consciousness of themselves as distinct from the American majority, whether that majority is defined religiously or ethnically, tends to make it difficult for them to stand whole heartedly and without inner psychological conflict for such a position. So they go back and forth, torn by a conflict which they cannot resolve and which in most cases they have not even articulated to themselves.

Therefore it is not unreasonable that similar factors would operate in other, non-Jewish ethnic minorities.

We don’t know that this is true about Spencer personally. I make no personal statement about him on this point. But if America is to re-gain the good moral conscience that will allow it to defend its national existence from Islam and unassimilable immigration, these factors, including the understandable reluctance of many ethnic minorities to take a pro-national stand on these issues, need to be brought out into the open, articulated, and confronted. Otherwise they keep festering in the background, controlling the debate without being seen.

Howard Sutherland replies:

That’s exactly what I was trying to get at. In Spencer’s case, because he is obviously a brave man, I think his unwillingness ultimately to call for restricting Moslem immigration must come from a reservation like that, rather than simply from fear of being branded anti-immigrant or racist. In his own case, it’s probably exacerbated because he as someone “from the Muslim world,” as he puts it, is uncomfortable with the idea of banning people from the “Muslim world.”

Muslim world? Hey, I thought we were actually talking about the Eastern Roman Empire, now occupied by Turks and Arabs…

LA writes:

There are readers who feel that I am wasting my time attacking individuals and allies rather than working together with them on a positive agenda to defend the West. I would ask them to consider this.

What is the fundamental fact that has allowed Islamization to occur?

The answer is: liberalism, in the full meaning of the word as I have discussed it. And this liberalism is the universally authoritative belief system of the West.

Therefore it is not sufficient merely to call for a Western defense against Islam, because any call for a defense against Islam will inevitably be hit from behind and crippled by LIBERALISM.

It is the LIBERAL dimension of Spencer that leads to his statements that have bothered many conservatives, not just me. To criticize the liberal aspect of Spencer and others, to show how it is wrong, is needed in order to establish an anti-Islamization position that will have solid, non-liberal principles and thus a good conscience—and thus be able to withstand liberal attacks.

Thus the critique of liberalism, which natural includes the critique of writers who take liberal positions, is an indispensable requirement for a positive, pro-Western civilization agenda.

By criticizing Spencer and others, I am not merely criticizing individuals; I am trying to build up a non-liberal understanding that can help us effectively resist Islamization.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 24, 2008 08:34 PM | Send

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