McCain and Obama, perfect together

Paul of Powerline constructs an interesting comparison between Barack Obama and William Clinton. Both started adulthood as alienated, Ivy League radicals. Clinton in his long experience as governor of Arkansas before he ran for president learned the words and the music of mainstream, working class America. Obama before becoming a candidate may have learned the words, but not the music, and thus he has gotten his campaign into serious trouble. However, as you read Paul’s post, you realize he’s saying that Obama hasn’t learned the words either.

Meanwhile, John of Powerline criticizes McCain:

… I am at a loss to understand why it is OK [for McCain] to pin Hamas’s endorsement [of Obama] on Obama, but, in McCain’s world, “unacceptable” to tie Obama to another supporter, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, to whom he is obviously far closer.

Isn’t it amazing what perfect agreement obtains between McCain and Obama? They both think that Obama’s 20 year devout attendance at a church led by a hate-mongering anti-American pastor who associates the white race with the principle of evil is not a legitimate issue in the campaign. McCain even said that Republicans who think it is a legitimate issue are “out of tough with reality.” Well, McCain did not start his adult life as an alienated, Ivy League radical, but it sure sounds as though he doesn’t know the music, or the words, of mainstream America.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 26, 2008 07:11 PM | Send

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