The boys and their boss

Meanwhile the boys of NR have had some egg splashed in their face by their candidate John McCain. They don’t like it that he joined with Democrats in denouncing the North Carolina Republicans’ ad linking Obama with Wright’s “God damn America” sermon. They don’t like it that McCain said that Republicans are “out of touch with reality” and in violation of the sacred principles of the Republican party for rejecting his demand that they pull the ad.

As a result of McCain’s attack on Republicans, the NR boys continue,

From now until November, any Republican criticizing Wright will be accused of playing the race card. It’s a way to shut down discussion of Wright’s poisonous worldview, and of what it says about Obama. These rules stack the deck and stifle legitimate debate. Republicans must reject them.

How interesting! The NR contingent are just now realizing that McCain as the head of the GOP is in a unique position to shut down—as “racist”—legitimate Republican and conservative criticism of liberals and blacks, not to mention legitimate conservative criticism of open immigration policies. And this is the man they couldn’t wait to endorse for the nomination as soon as he beat Mitt Romney by five points in New Hampshire. This is the man they want to be president for the next four years! Imagine how much stifling of legitimate debate he can do in four years.

“Republicans must reject them,” NR’s editors say, referring to McCain’s leftist rules of debate. Better that the editors should have rejected him.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 26, 2008 08:05 PM | Send

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