Wright America versus White America

So far I’ve only listened to a fragment of Jeremiah Wright’s appearance at the National Press Club, but in that fragment he clearly said that America is a terrorist country and deserves to be the target of terrorism.

See also, at Hugh Hewitt’s site, two excepts from Wright’s sermon of April 13, 2003, in which he equated America’s military with the Roman soldiers who crucified Jesus.

It is clearly the case—and mainstream liberal journalists like Joe Klein are saying the same—that Wright is out to sabotage Obama’s campaign. Why would he do this? Perhaps for the same reason that Yasser Arafat never actually wanted a Palestinian state. Arafat didn’t want to make peace with Israel, since his object was to destroy Israel. In the same way, Wright doesn’t want there to be a black president of the United States, he wants to destroy the United States. How could he not want to destroy a country run by “greedy white people”—white people whom he describes as identical with the principle of evil?

The real issue here is not Jeremiah Wright or Barack Obama. The real issue is that black America—not all individual blacks, of course, but black America as an organized community—is and will always be hostile to America, as Jefferson chillingly predicted in his Notes on the State of Virginia 220 years ago. We need to recognize the reality that there is nothing we can do to eliminate blacks’ negativity toward America. All we can do is lessen the harmful effects of that negativity, by restoring the legitimacy, élan, and authority of America’s white majority, which delegitimized itself in the 1960s and has been progressively destroying itself ever since. With a white American majority that unashamedly speaks for itself as the dominant American majority and that shows zero tolerance for black anti-Americanism, blacks, being weak and a minority, will yield to that authority and put their anti-Americanism on the back burner.

We cannot eliminate blacks’ anti-Americanism, but we can render it ineffectual. But, again, this requires that the white majority begin to speak and act again as the leader of America. There is now a vacuum of authority in this country. The vacuum will either be filled by America’s adversaries, or by us. There is no middle course.

- end of initial entry -

This e-mail was forwarded by a reader:

I hate to be the purveyor of bad news, bad news for Obama that is.

Just finished listening to the Reverend’s speech to the National Press Club. He spewed enough hatred and controversial statements to keep the talking heads going until spring of next year. Billary has to be dancing in the street. The guy is a whacko and even more of one than his previous sermon excerpts indicated. He reinforced his previous statements and added more. Obama’s chances from here on are none to slim. A reasonable explanation of why he listened to this nut for 20 years does not exist. Even Juan Williams saw it as I did.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 28, 2008 03:02 PM | Send

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