On left brains and right brains

Heather Mac Donald at City Journal recounts Jeremiah Wright’s educational theories and discusses the various black “scholars” who have promoted them. The article is a good summary of the issue, but doesn’t go beyond the obvious. It closes on this point:

It is imperative that someone at CNN or the New York Times ask Obama whether he, too, believes that the way to “fix the schools” is through Afrocentric curricula and double standards in student discipline, and whether he, too, believes that blacks only think with the “right side” of their brains.

Big deal. Of course Obama will repudiate the “left brain / right brain idea if he is asked about it.

What I want to know is whether Obama agrees with the racist “black liberation theology” that has been the official teaching of his church for the entire 20 years that he has been a parishioner there. How is he going to repudiate that?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 30, 2008 07:20 PM | Send

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