The odd couples we have to choose from

If you think Bill Clinton is an inappropriate First Spouse, what about Cindy McCain, who keeps getting unnaturally younger looking as the years pass, until, now that her husband is an aged crotchety human wreck, she looks like a teen-ager, or at least like his daughter instead of his wife?


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Paul K. writes:

Twenty years ago we elected a president whose wife looked like his mother, so I guess it makes sense.

Charles G. writes:

Normal people do not aspire to be president these days. Unfortunately.

Adela G. writes:

I find painful even to look at the McCains. He looks like a rabid chipmunk and she resembles nothing so much as a rancid cheerleader.

I bet she really really really wanted to be cast in the recent remake of The Stepford Wives. I can just hear her saying, “But John, I’d have have been perfect in that movie! I’m blonde and I’m plastic and my name is Cindy!”

She does have a point.

And overall, as First Lady, she’d probably be less horrifying (though no less terrifying as she continues to regress from the teen years to early girlhood and finally appears as a ponytailed fetus) than the grievance-mongering you-know-who.

James P. writes:

The most significant thing about McCain’s wife is not her appearance but her fortune. I am still waiting for a reporter—or a political opponent—to ask McCain whether or not he thinks James Hensley was “greedy” when he created his beer distributing empire, and why McCain thinks “profit” is such a dirty word. Are the profits from the Hensley enterprise “bad,” Senator? They have underwritten your entire political career, so they must be good, right? When McCain got in Romney’s face about how he devoted his life to patriotism, not profit, too bad Romney sat there like a turnip and didn’t say something like, “hey, at least I earned my money, I didn’t just marry it!”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 01, 2008 11:06 AM | Send

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