Catastrophe, but also justice

As I’ve said before, even when stating my strong preference for Hillary over Obama (“Vote for the crook, not the messiah”) and McCain, we must never forget the Clintons’ history of criminality. So, as much as I regret Hillary’s failure to stop Obama, there is justice in it, too. Powerline has a photo of Hillary speaking last night that captures her combined expression of determination and defeat, and, behind her, her husband with a sad and hangdog tilt to his head. Above the photo, Powerline puts this caption:


(For very young readers, non-Americans, and liberals who don’t know what the above line is referencing, go here, and search for “You better get some ice on that.”)

- end of initial entry -

Spencer Warren writes:

Indeed! I still don’t count her out, however.

LA replies:

According to today’s NY Daily News citing sources in the Clinton campaign, she is going to stay in until the convention.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 07, 2008 01:36 PM | Send

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