Dartmouth instructor charges students with harassment

In the midst of such gloomy news, this story, from the Wall Street Journal, will make your day. A former “lit-crit” feminist composition instructor at Dartmouth who taught that science is only about advancing the patriarchy is threatening to sue her former students because, she says, their fascist anti-intellectualism (i.e., they were openly skeptical of her ideas) violated her civil rights.

The teacher, Priya Venkatesan, who comes from South Asia, has also accused the students of racism.

Venkatesan is obviously a prime candidate for chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities in the Obama administration.

- end of initial entry -

LA sent the item to Adela G., asking:

“The next Nancy Hopkins awardee?”

Adela G. replies:

“The trauma was so intense” that she had to “decamp”? LOL!

Yep, she’s a winner (in the Nancy Hopkinsian sense). “Decamping” is definitely an even more extreme response to “trauma” than merely blacking out or throwing up.

Thanks a million for the much-needed laugh. Amazingly, these loonies never seem to realize how hilarious (in a rancid sort of way) they are to normal people. How I wish SPY magazine would make (another) comeback to take full advantage of the hilarity.

LA writes:

Here are e-mails sent from Priya Venkatesan to the students she is threatening to sue for harrassment under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Of course Title VII deals with discrimination by employers against employees. The idea of a teacher suing his or her students under Title VII is absurd. In addition to that, Venkatesan is obviously a nut job.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 07, 2008 02:31 PM | Send

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