Times: No Obamage

It is becoming evident that there is no leftist or anti-American extremism, howsoever vile it may be, that rank and file Democrats will definitively reject. According to Charles Blow writing in the New York Times, a poll conducted by the Times and CBS shows that Barack Obama’s unfavorable rating among white Democrats has increased by only five percent since January, while his favorable rating has also increased by five percent—a wash.

Apart from that very bad and very sobering news, the meaning of which is discussed by Adela G. here, I also want to point out the stereotypical liberal manner in which Blow’s article is written. He doesn’t say that damaging new facts have come out about Obama, and that this has not lessened his support. Rather he says that Hillary Clinton has been “pummeling” Obama, “trafficking in old fears and historic stereotypes” about blacks, and that Democrats have rejected this propagandistic message. For liberals, there are no objective negative facts about liberals; there are only Republican attacks on liberals. And, since Hillary Clinton has been attacking Obama, she is now treated by the Times as though she herself were a Republican.

However, Blow’s remarkably slanted take on the issue ought to remind us of where the Times is coming from and make us suspicious of the Times-CBS polling data that Blow employs. On March 17, in an entry entitled “The Obamage Done,” I quoted a Rasmussen poll showing that 44 percent of Democrats were less likely to vote for Obama as a result of the Rev. Wright revelations. Is it possible that because of Wright almost half of Democrats became less likely to vote for Obama, but that only five percent switched to viewing Obama unfavorably?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 11, 2008 04:11 PM | Send

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