Save Britain by destroying it?

Is the way to free Britain from the death-grip of its evil leftist regime to break up the country into its constituent parts? Scotland and Wales already have their own parliaments and may soon be seeking complete independence. All that’s needed to set the process going is for England to acquire its own parliament as well, a move backed by 70 percent of the English and by a party, the English Democrats, which also calls for a complete end of mass immigration and the assertion of the culture of the indigenous English as the single public culture of England. At the same time, the BNP does not favor dissolution but just the opposite, inviting Ireland into a British federation. Also, it is to be questioned whether the smaller, weaker, regional entities that would result from the devolution of Britain would be better able to resist the evil EU than would an intact Britain. I guess it’s a matter of the Lesser Satan and the Greater Satan, the Nearer Enemy and the Farther Enemy.

A. Millar writes about the British devolution movement at Brussels Journal.

- end of initial entry -

Karen writes from England:

The break up of Britain looks likely although in reality it would happen anyway via the EU. The Irish however, have the requirement for a referendum on the EU included in their Constitution and therefore this referendum must take place. Ireland is the only country in the EU which has this opportunty to derail the project and it is to be hoped that they will vote NO. If they vote No, they will in all probability be asked to repeat the referendum until the desired Yes vote is obtained. If they vote Yes, then the EU goes ahead into its final totalitarian stages. So there is a slim chance that this whole project could be killed off. The Republic of Ireland is the only country left with a veto and on the Irish hangs the fate of Europe.

The English Democrats don’t seem to be making much impact and their proposal to deport illegals is mild. There are far too many legal immigrants and cities like Birmingham and Leicester are virtually Third World with white minorities. London is heading the same way. A nationalist party cannot encompass all these Third World immigrants whose loyalty is to their own countries and cultures.

All the institutions which have created Britain and kept it together are collapsing. The Royal Family seem to have a death wish and have entirely lost their sense of purpose and direction. The Queen is excellent at opening flower shows and hospitals but is useless at opposing the destructive personalities and actions of people in Government and the Church. The Queen could have refused to sign the EU Treaties which have turned her and her family into an irrelevant soap opera and she could likewise have apprehended or dismissed the Archbishop of Canterbury when he called for the inclusion of Sharia Law into the legal system. She has done nothing of any political significance except praise multiculturalism and the great “British Muslims.” She is thus an author of her own destrucion and marginalisation.

Alex Salmond is intent on breaking up the Union [the United Kingdom?] and moving fast to ensure all is done to ensure this will happen. By 2010 Britain will be no more. Small states with more representative democracy may be better at resisting the EU, as the larger states have been useless at it.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 28, 2008 06:00 AM | Send

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