The presidential candidates present their platforms, and the “conservatives” respond

The Democratic candidate says:

As president I will work with Congress to give legal status to all illegal aliens; double or triple legal immigration; and institute a permanent “guest” worker program that is tantamount to open borders. I will work to give the Spanish language increased official recognition in the U.S. I will continue to expand the powers of the North American Union, while also working to create a Union of All the Americas that ultimately will become the equivalent of the European Union. I will seek in every way possible to transfer U.S. sovereign powers to the North American Union, the Union of All the Americas, and all other relevant transnational bodies devoted to the well being and equal rights of all men and women everywhere. I will encourage the disappearance of what remains of America’s historic identity as a British- and European-based society and transform it into a global society, the true vision of our Founding Fathers. In particular I will welcome the increasing influence of the great religion of Islam in America, and will urge our European friends to admit Turkey into the European Union. I will support same-sex civil unions but will do nothing to prevent the institutionalization of same-sex marriages. I will appoint federal judges who will treat the Constitution as a living document. I will withdraw U.S. forces from Iraq.

The Republican candidate says:

As president I will work with Congress to give legal status to all illegal aliens; double or triple legal immigration; and institute a permanent “guest” worker program that is tantamount to open borders. I will work to give the Spanish language increased official recognition in the U.S. I will continue to expand the powers of the North American Union, while also working to create a Union of All the Americas that ultimately will become the equivalent of the European Union. I will seek in every way possible to transfer U.S. sovereign powers to the North American Union, the Union of All the Americas, and all other relevant transnational bodies devoted to the well being and equal rights of all men and women everywhere. I will encourage the disappearance of what remains of America’s historic identity as a British- and European-based society and transform it into a global society, the true vision of our Founding Fathers. In particular I will welcome the increasing influence of the great religion of Islam in America, and will urge our European friends to admit Turkey into the European Union. I will support same-sex civil unions but will do nothing to prevent the institutionalization of same-sex marriages. I will appoint federal judges who will strictly interpret the Constitution, not re-write it. I will keep U.S. forces in Iraq until we win.

The “conservatives” respond:

The differences are clear! They are vital! The Democrat will take our forces out of Iraq and appoint liberal judges! We must elect the Republican as president or America is doomed!

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 03, 2008 09:30 PM | Send

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