“America is the greatest sin against God”

The words are those of Michael (“Louis Farrakhan disguised as a white Catholic priest”) Pfleger, speaking at Obama’s church last week. Excuse me, his former church, as of three days ago. It’s his former church because he was so shocked, shocked by what Pfleger said there, that he finally felt compelled to resign from the church. In reality, Obama has been friends with Pfleger for twenty years, has attended his church on numerous occasions, and has appropriated $325,000 in state and federal funds to support his causes.

“America is the greatest sin against God”? In fact, this is what the left has always believed. If you speak to radical leftists of whatever variety,—-academic, Christian, Jewish, secular, nonwhite—and ask them what they think of the statement, “America is the greatest sin against God,” they would agree with it. And these are the kinds of people who have been Obama’s closest friends and associates through his whole life. And it was a church with such a message to which he has belonged for twenty years.

So bring it on, I say! What’s the point of having as president an enemy of America who is disguised as a conservative Republican? Let’s have an open enemy of America as president, and have it out.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 03, 2008 08:05 AM | Send

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