Michael Reagan on Islam in the West

Howard Sutherland writes:

Michael Reagan has a column on the growth of the power of Islam in the West that begins with this:

Two Christian preachers were stopped from handing out Bible tracts by police officers because they were in a Muslim neighborhood in England.

According to British news reports, the preachers were told by a Muslim community support police officer in Birmingham that attempting to convert Muslims to Christianity is a hate crime.

They were warned that if they came back and were beaten up, it would be their fault, not that of the thugs who beat them.

The column ends with this:

The real tragedy lies in the fact that governments all over the western world are not only turning a blind eye to Muslim efforts to establish communities ruled by Sharia—Muslim law—in defiance of established national law, but are enacting laws that would punish those who place their nation’s traditional interests above those of a foreign faith.

We’re going to see more of this as you see governments kowtowing to Muslim extremists.

The more you see the Muslim influence coming into the United States the more you are going to see Muslims demanding and getting laws defining the promotion of Christianity to Islamists as a hate crime that will get you tossed in the slammer.

Don’t tell me what happened in London can’t happen here. It can and it will. It’s called Jihad, and it’s world-wide.

In this piece, Michael Reagan names the problem and asks the right question. But as with everyone else, with the exception of VFR, VDare, American Renaissance, and maybe a few others, not a word about the obvious solution for the West.

One specific bit of reportage from Reagan (if I understand him correctly) that I have not seen elsewhere: the cop who stopped these Christian evangelists in England is a Moslem. I assume that is what Reagan means when he calls him a “Muslim community support police officer.” So, in England, that once-sceptered and once-Christian isle, not only are the natives compelled to truckle to invading aliens, the traitorous British establishment has deputized invading aliens to make them truckle! (I know the evangelists in question are Americans long resident in England while the “MCSPO” in question may have been born there, but that hardly changes the point.)

It’s heartening, I suppose, to see mainstream conservative pundits willing to name the problem. When will they suggest doing something that might work to solve it?

I thought that day had come on September 11, 2001. More fool I.

LA replies:

Yes, the article names the problem as the spread of Islam and of Islamic sharia in the West. But the article does not once say the words “immigration” or “immigrants.” However, Reagan does at least say: “The more you see the Muslim influence coming into the United States the more you are going to see Muslims demanding and getting laws defining the promotion of Christianity to Islamists as a hate crime that will get you tossed in the slammer.” That’s saying, without using the “I” word, that immigration-fed Muslim population increases the power of Islam and of the anti-Western left that seeks to silence any criticism of Islam. However, Reagan’s refusal to use the “I” word suggests that he will neither name the real problem or ever suggest doing anything about it. Reagan is thus a Usual Suspect, defined as a writer who clearly states that the growth of Islam in our society is a great threat, but will not advocate—or even remotely mention the possibility of—a reduction, cessation, or reversal of the Muslim immigration without which that thread would never have existed.

On another subject, note the ads at the TownHall.com page on which Reagan’s column appears When I was viewing it, on the left column there was one of those semi-sleazy “conservative tv shirt” ads. On the right column there was an ad for “Muslim Singles,” featuring a handsome and confident-looking Muslim couple, thus normalizing the presence and the growth of the Muslim population among us. So the absurd and meaningless conservative movement hands its publications over to the control advertising services that promote messages undermining conservatism.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 05, 2008 01:50 PM | Send

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