Liberalism and conservatism (2008)

(This is a revised version of an entry posted in 2005.)

What is liberalism today?

A belief in the universal unity of mankind and the guaranteed provision of all human material needs, combined with complete negativity and destructiveness toward everything that actually is. A total absence of any useful thoughts about the problems of the day. Absence of rationality. Absence of patriotism.

What is conservatism today?

A simulacrum of rationality and patriotism.

- end of initial entry -

Flyboy writes:

So now all we are missing is a definition of a rational alternative where common people can find a new political and cultural home.

How about the Traditionalism (“the world according to Auster”) that is constantly brought up in these forums? This kind of system, with an emphasis on traditional values such as family, hard work, discipline, private property, respect for our cultural history and civil society, and many other facets of daily life, would surely have tremendous appeal to the silent majority who have had it with multiculturalism, illegal immigration, political correctness, hate speech laws and disrespect for our Western heritage.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 05, 2008 08:50 PM | Send

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