Beautiful losers

Apparently Mrs. Clinton really has given up her campaign. I am very sorry to hear it.

Kudos to her for continuing to fight so long in the face of an unbelievable onslaught of vituperation from the left and contemptuous demands that she drop out of the race. She has the heart of a fighter. Also, whatever her motives for saying it, congratulations to her for being the first major presidential candidate in modern times to mention “white people” in a positive context, when she said that white people, or the white working class, support her and that she represents their interests.

Thoughout this campaign, VFR has looked for the best possible candidate to back for the presidency. It supported Tancredo, then Romney, and then, after McCain became the presumptive Republican nominee, Clinton herself. VFR’s choices have all gone down.

It should never be forgotten that the horrible and grotesque situation in which we now find ourselves, in which the next president will be either the horrible McCain or the horrible Obama, is due to the idiocy of conservative opinion makers and conservative voters who failed to support Romney once it became clear, following New Hampshire, that he was the only candidate standing in the way of a McCain nomination.

- end of initial entry -

An Indian living in the West writes:

You know I admire your generally superb commentary on heated political questions. But I find your continuing support for Hillary Clinton impossible to fathom.

You rightly criticised McCain and Guiliani and those Republicans who were backing them on grounds that it is better to have a liberal Republican than a liberal Democrat in the White House. But you supported Hillary? And admired her “fighting” qualities?

Hillary Clinton represents everything that one should abhor about American politics (strands of which get exported around the world). In her whole life she has espoused and championed causes that have been responsible for America’s decline and the rot that conservatives and traditionalists lament. I cannot conceive of one thing about Hillary that would make me want to admire her. Hillary Clinton stood by a man who spent his whole life chasing trashy women and did it shamelessly while occupying public office, and who thought nothing of getting fellatio from an intern in the White House. Why? Because she loved him? No. Because one day she wanted to be President too. Therefore, putting up with slick Willie’s shenanigans was a political necessity. She represents everything that is truly vile in modern politicians and then some. And he stray comment about “working class whites” was another example of her shameless political opportunism. Hey if she really cares about “working class whites” why does she continue to favour uncontrolled immigration which is what is destroying the white working class?

The very fact that America’s choices are now between Obama, McCain and (until this week) Hillary is an example of what the country’s corrupt politics has come to. And by the way, Hillary the great champion of “working class whites” spent the last five years amassing $110 million through her shameless lobbying for the highest bidder. A tireless champion of the working class no doubt!

The politicians that currently “champion” the cause of the American people need to be seen in their true light. Without acknowledging the truth there is no hope for the future of your country. Supporting Hillary is like clutching at a snake when drowning in a river.

Lastly, there is sublime poetic justice in Hillary losing the presidential contest to a black man running on a ostensibly pro-black anti-American platform. Nothing gave me greater satisfaction than seeing her lose after all the huffing and puffing and the hundreds of millions spent on the campaign. She must now continue as a largely irrelevant political figure who will continue to represent corrupt, nasty, liberal politics of the type that created her in the 1960s. What goes around comes around—even for holier than thou liberals.

Every black cloud has a silver lining. No pun intended. :)

LA replies:

I do not disagree with anything that you have said. As I have explained carefully over and over, I do not approve of any aspect of Hillary Clinton’s political stands and record of corruption. She wants to turn America into an European type unfree country. If she were elected, I would oppose everything about her. But, for specific reasons that I have explained, I do see her (or rather have seen her, since she’s now out of the race) as being far less damaging to America as president than the other two alternatives. I see Obama or McCain bringing ruin, and she was the only thing standing in the way of that, so I have supported her.

That, plus on a personal level I began to find her tolerable and likable.

Harry Horse writes:

“… is due to the idiocy of conservative opinion makers…”

Did Frum ever make up his mind?

LA replies:

Hah hah. Don’t you remember, he waited and waited, posted more pros and cons on whether to support McCain and Romney, and then, just before Super Tuesday, he announced that it really wasn’t necesssary for him to express a preference before Super Tuesday, since his preference would have no effect on voters anyway.

By that reasoning, no opinion maker should ever endorse a candidate.

And of course, after Super Tuesday, it was over.

It’s as though Frum goes out of his way to advertise his bad judgment and ineffectuality, even as he’s writing books advising us on on such weighty matters as where conservative politics should go next. No matter how many times the neocons get it wrong, disastrously wrong, walking-down-the-street-while-buildings-fall-down-behind-them-wrong, they think we should rush to take their advice the next time they offer it.

As Mark Steyn said about Frum:

Giuliani’s fate unnerves me because … Rudy had the support of a lot of my columnar confreres: John Podhoretz, editor of Commentary; Andy McCarthy and Lisa Schiffren at National Review; and David Frum, author of the new book “Comeback: Conservatism That Can Win Again.” Yet he backed a candidate who took off and barely cleared the runway before nose-diving into the sod.

Followed by my comment:

Steyn sure has nailed David Frum’s political judgment. How reliable can a book on political strategy be that is called “Conservatism That Can Win Again,” when its author endorsed and joined the campaign of a candidate who ended up winning one delegate? As someone said last week with regard to the collapse of the Giuliani campaign, everything the neocons touch turns to ashes….

Here are VFR posts about Frum’s great decision making process that never reached a decision:

Oh, those helpful neocons
Frum punts
Steyn the joking defeatist; Frum the conservative strategist

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 06, 2008 12:11 PM | Send

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