What’s happening Over There

American presidential candidates have nothing to say about the prospect of an Islamized Europe, writes Diana West, who has just returned from a two-week fact-finding trip to the Old World. But how could they have anything to say about it, since even the most “conservative” mainstream voices in this country will only say that “Islamism” or “Islamic fascism” is the problem, not Islam. Therefore even “right-wingers” lack even the language in which to speak of of the Islamic threat. Meanwhile, many of the more (without scare quotes) right-wing voices, such as Patrick Buchanan, have little or nothing to say about Islam, because from their point of view that would put them on the same side as neocons, Israel, and Jews. And it goes without saying that the left has nothing to say about it.

Thus the looming catastrophe of an Islamic ascendancy in Europe is off Americans’ radar screen, as it also is for many (most?) Europeans. West says she will be writing a series of reports about her findings during the coming weeks.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 27, 2008 03:43 PM | Send

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