Underneath the celebrations of Obama, the racial reality of America continues

Jon W. writes from California:

I saw the video you linked of Demarius Cummings in the murder of Steve Swan and Matthew Butler. You may not have watched this interview of the trigger creature himself, James Broadnax.

I’ve got to burn Broadnax’s dead eyes and brain into my memory and still not be nudged toward a precipitous or a late judgment if directly threatened by his type. When outside or doing yardwork I sometimes see those seeming to be much like his kind go scanning and swaggering by, in twos and threes (or more). They detour away from nearby high-traffic streets and walk down the middle of our quiet residential street. We live several blocks away from both but between a major shopping center and the many darkening apartments near the university and several blocks distant. These strollers were one factor in my decision to get a pistol, hydro-shock cartridges, and a carry permit, and to stay in practice at a gun range.

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Amit G. writes:

You write, “underneath the celebrations of Obama the racial reality of America continues.” yes, off course becausde Obama is not yet president but when he will be then the situation wioll change. he is bring;ing all of us together and his presidency will be a model to all young peoples growing up to aspire to higher things. This is where we want to go in the spirit of unity and hope that Obama brings and you will have noticced that in the international world everyone is excited by his presidency. This is not only an American thing but the hope is spread throughout the whole world showing that as America opens itself up top all cultures and races all young people can dream of higher things to leave the lower things behind. We cannot look at the things as they are now or have been in the passed but at what we are going towards and it is an exciting future that all may jo,in in. So I expect that the writing at VFR will change positively as the situation changes that is something to look forward to.

Robert B. writes (July 2):

Is this Amit related to Pollyanna or what? No, my mistake, Pollyanna could read, write and speak perfect English. It is utterly amazing to me that people—mostly blacks and wide eyed (and unblinking) whites who think the whole world is giddy over excitement for Obama. Wherever did they get that idea? The Chinese were insulted and said so when the US sent Condoleeza Rice there on a trade mission. The Arabs are all laughing and seeing it as the end of America (part of the reason for the run up in oil prices), the Japanese Prime Minister said in the 1990’s that “diversity” would be America’s downfall. In India, the darker you are the less you are. Central Americans hate blacks and are conducting ethnic cleansing of them in LA.

Or perhaps Amit is speaking of the same kind of joy that the Goths felt when the first non-Roman became the “Roman” emperor.

LA replies:

Robert, I would not get exercised over Amit G. The identity of my friend Amit is something of a mystery. He originally told me he is a Hindu living in New York City, and I believed him. But his recent posts have been, as someone said, so perfect in their PCness, that the only explanation is that he must be a conservative skillfully creating a satire of a kindly yet perfectly PC third-worlder. At the same time, I can’t quite imagine any conservative being hip enough to make up out of whole cloth Amit’s spiritual schtick, in which he tells me I’m backward and must adjust to the coming New Unified World Order, and at the same time, expresses this benevolence toward me. Whoever he is (and I truly have no idea)I do get a kick out of his amusing posts, after having told him a few months ago not to darken my door again.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 01, 2008 02:46 PM | Send

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