The Terra Incognita of immigration restriction that shuts down logical thought

Paul of Powerline writes:


You can get a good sense of what our future may very well have in store from just two reports that appear today. The first is Scott’s report on who really pays taxes in this country. The second is almost any account of yesterday’s appearances by John McCain and Barack Obama before the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC).

The LULAC event signals a new era in political pandering. And since the group on the receiving end of the pandering is a predominantly low income, low-skill group, the pandering will ultimately will focus on income transfer, however it may be dressed-up. Before too long, therefore, those in the upper income brackets will probably look back with longing on the days when the richest 1% of tax filers will paid more than 40% of the income tax burden and the top 50% paid 97%.

So Paul states forthrightly that Hispanics are “a predominantly low income, low-skill group,” and he at least implicitly recognizes that the larger this group becomes in America, and the more political clout it acquires, the more politicians of both parties will tend to pander to it, which will mean ever greater income transfers from the most productive citizens in our society to the ever-ballooning population of the least productive.

In other words, Paul recognizes (at least implicitly!) that the mass immigration of Hispanics, or rather Mestizos, means an increasingly statist, socialist (not to mention low-skill and Third-Worldized) future for America. But does he draw any logical conclusions about this vis a vis immigration policy? As I remember, Powerline stalwartly opposed the insane Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill last year, but, beyond that, Powerline has never called for a reduction in immigration, or a shift of immigration away from Mestizos to more intelligent and productive and culturally assimilable populations.

It would be really great if the Powerline guys could follow their own premises to their logical conclusions. But they can’t, because such a reasoning process would take them outside their orthodox neocon box.

Maybe Jason Richwine, the outside-the-neocon-box thinker at AEI, can help them.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 09, 2008 03:27 PM | Send

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