Hispanics leaning heavily for Obama over McCain

Carol Iannone writes:

Who would have thought that with all that McCain tried to do for amnesty, Obama would still be the Hispanic favorite? I’m being sarcastic. The Times reports:

The poll also found that Hispanic voters, who seem poised to play a critical role the election in states like Nevada, New Mexico and Colorado, have warmer feelings about Mr. Obama than Mr. McCain. By significant margins, these voters believe that Mr. Obama will do a better job of dealing with immigration; the findings comes at a time when Mr. McCain has been trying to distance himself from members of his party who have advocated a tough policy on permitting illegal immigrants to stay in the country.

LA replies:

I’m sure that McCain is not disappointed by this. He supported amnesty, not because he hoped it would win him Hispanic votes, but because it is right. That Hispanics are rejecting him for a candidate of color despite all he’s done for them will only strike him as a further example of the price that whites must pay to make America a truly just country.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 19, 2008 05:04 PM | Send

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