Liberalism has taken over everything

Mark A. writes:

You said “…since a coalition of lovely liberal Christians helped turn Minnesota and Wisconsin into a Hmong paradise thirty years ago.”

I am only 31 years old and I don’t have the theological experience that you have, but I must ask: where did the non-liberal Christians go? Did they give up their faith? It seems that every Christian I meet is an open-borders fanatic with a “love-the-world” sentimentality.

LA replies

Short answer. My oft-stated view is that as it now exists, organized Christianity is an enemy of Western civilization. (But, of course, as it now exists, Western civilization is an enemy of Western civilization. Hah!) Liberalism has taken over everything. There are conservative Christians, but few and far between, and even the conservative Christians are liberal on race. The evangelicals have some conservative views but also very liberal views, and their liberalism seems to be increasing.

Modern liberalism is incompatible with the existence of any society. The more powerful and thorough liberalism becomes, the more of the society is destroyed. Only a complete rejection of modern liberalism can save us.

Mark A. replies:

My heavens that is depressing. It is, of course, absolutely true as well.

I think we all need to start rethinking that free state project from about 10 years ago. We all may need to move together to a certain state and rebuild from there. I know it is a radical idea, but let’s face it: how in heaven’s name can we stop this at the national level?

LA clarifies:

When I say that as it now exists, organized Christianity is an enemy of our civilization, that is not a counsel to conservatives not to belong to churches. Many churches still carry the core of Christian truth, which is also the core of our civilization. At the same time, however, even fairly traditional churches subscribe to, or at best fail to resist, the ruling liberal principles of our day that are leading inexorably to the death of the West.

Mark Jaws writes:

It seems as if Mark A. endorses the Mark Jaws traditionalist-enclave approach. With termites eating away at the very foundation and pillars of his or her house, an observant and prudent person decides to move and set up house elsewhere in a new neighborhood with those like-minded individuals whose homes have been similarly destroyed. Orcon and Permatreat can then be brought in at a later date to reclaim and rebuild the old neighborhood.

Charles T. writes:

Mark A. writes: ” It seems that every Christian I meet is an open-borders fanatic with a ‘love-the-world’ sentimentality. ”

Helping the poor and loving your neighbor is definitely a legitimate part of the Christian faith. We are commanded to do so throughout scripture. However, in the modern mindset, loving your neighbor has become the “prime” Christian doctrine. It has replaced the doctrine of redemption as our core Christian belief. I say this because evangelicals and Christians of all stripes are falling all over each other trying to prove how much they actually love their neighbor. Instead of ministering to other people with legitimate common sense and decency, we are now expected to ohate our families and fellow citizens while we love, forgive and accept people who are willing to do us harm.

This is not liberalism. It is idolatry. And it is deadly.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 05, 2008 10:57 PM | Send

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