Let Muslims into your country, and you lose your freedom not to have Muslim customs in your school, your business, your B&B

A news story from October 2007:

STRASBOURG, France (Reuters)—A French court on Tuesday fined a guesthouse owner who refused to give a room to a woman wearing a Muslim headscarf unless she removed it in common areas.

Found guilty of religious discrimination, Yvette Truchelut, 54, was handed a suspended four month prison sentence and fined 1,000 euros ($1409). She will have to pay a total of 7,400 euros to the plaintiff and rights groups that brought the action.

The rest of the piece, and a collection of similar articles (including one from VFR) about Westerners being fined for not wanting to associate with or hire hijab-wearing Muslim women, is posted by the Australian blogger Squalid Shoebox (no relation to Walid Shoebat).

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 11, 2008 02:06 PM | Send

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