What is Barack Obama?

On the basis of watching very little of the Democratic convention, I formed an opinion about it. Here’s a bunch of L-dotters who, having seen a lot more of the convention than I, have formed the same opinion.

Also, their low expectations about Obama’s upcoming big speech raise the most interesting question of all: is Obama a left-wing, nonwhite, world-changing messiah, or is he a talented but callow b.s. artist whose act has run out of steam and is about to collapse in a pile of cardboard Greek pillars?

(See related thoughts on Obama here.)

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Robert B. writes:

“What is Barack Obama?”

Why simple, my dear Watson, he represents the overthrow of the WASP culture—and its people, who imagined, founded, and built America. In short, he represents the final success of the Communist driven desire to throw down all of Western Society. It is why they feel so triumphant—because even if he does not win, the fact that he got this far, means eventually “he” will win.

This is no different from the glory and triumph felt by the plebs of the Roman empire when the first non-Roman was made emperor of the western Empire. By contrast, the eastern Roman empire remained homogenous and lasted another 1000 years.

They know that this moment marks the end of our time.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 27, 2008 04:34 PM | Send

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