The Thinker

Barack Obama is famed for his “thoughtfulness,” but when it comes to his actual thoughts, we see nothing but mediocre slogans, derivative phrases, the thousand-times-over discredited cliches of leftism. The dude is not thoughtful; he has a thoughtful manner. He’s got an act, a schtick, that plays very well with educated white people.

Consider his comments to David Brooks about our need to see the “root causes” of Mideast terrorism.

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Terry Morris writes:

Sometimes the simplest, most obvious answers and solutions evade the most educated minds, as if the solution and the mind searching for it are on different wavelengths altogether, and never the twain shall meet.

Root cause of Mideast Terrorism?—The hateful, terrorist producing religion of Islam.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 08, 2008 05:17 PM | Send

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