Obama’s woes

Michael Weiss summarizes them at The Weekly Standard.

Taking the other side, my correspondent Paul Mulshine wants to bet me a six pack (micro-brew, no Bud) that Obama is going to win. He thinks the financial crisis absolutely sinks McCain-Palin, because as Republicans they will be blamed for the problem, and because neither of them knows anything about the economy. By the way, which is more amazing—that McCain after 26 years in the Congress knows nothing about economics, or that, as a candidate for president of the United States, he openly admitted it? And people talk about Obama’s gaffes.

I don’t want to take Mr. Mulshine up on the bet, because I have no particular feeling that one side or the other will win, though, if forced to offer a prediction, I’d guess McCain.

By the way, I, like McCain, know nothing about economics. I’ve tried many times, but could never grasp its basic concepts, they just didn’t make sense to me, and finally I gave up and accepted the fact that this is one area that I’m not going to be good at in this life. That’s why I don’t write about economic matters at VFR. Yes, I could write about the economy in a superifical way and thus avoid the criticism that I avoid economic. But the problem is, unless I feel I really “get” something, or at least get its basic principoes, I don’t like to write about it.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 17, 2008 08:43 PM | Send

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