Hart on the election

In the below article, Michael Hart gives his reasons why people should support McCain for president.

By Michael Hart

I want to thank Larry Auster who, although he opposes the election of John McCain, has graciously agreed to publish an article by me urging readers to vote for McCain over Obama.

I, too, was very disappointed that John McCain won the Republican nomination. However, the fact is that Sen. McCain is the only person who can prevent Obama from winning this election, and there are two very strong reasons why we should not want Obama to become our president. One reason involves Obama’s overall attitude towards the United States and its white citizens. The other reason involves the policies that Obama supports.

Reason 1: Obama is our enemy. During his campaign, Obama has pretended to be a loyal, patriotic American, a “post-racial” candidate who wishes to let bygones be bygones and bring us together. But as we all know, statements made by a politician during a campaign cannot be trusted. Obama’s life and associations prior to his becoming a presidential candidate show clearly that he hates whites in general, and considers us oppressors.

Obama’s autobiography, Dreams from My Father, is replete with critical comments about America and its white citizens. But nowhere in its more than 400 pages does Obama express any love of America, nor any admiration for its achievements; nor does he ever hint that he is lucky to be an American. It includes no criticism of the Soviet Union, or of Communism.

This is consistent with his earlier background. Obama’s biography makes it plain that he felt alienated from the white world (it is a major theme of the book), and it explicitly states that as a young man he deliberately associated with black radicals, including Marxists. His chief mentor during his teens was Frank Marshall Davis, a well-known Communist.

Most striking is his long-term membership in the Trinity United Church of Christ, and his friendship with its pastor, Jeremiah Wright. Obama joined that church as a young man; and he spent virtually his entire adult life in it, until reluctantly resigning a few months ago when it became public knowledge that it was a “Hate Whitey” church. He made large financial contributions to it, and publicly praised Pastor Wright on many occasions.

After some tapes of Wright’s fiery remarks (including the memorable phrase “God Damn America”) appeared on the Internet, Obama asserted that the hate-filled statements in them did not represent Wright’s real views. However, after Wright’s statements this spring at the National Press Club, it became impossible to defend that view. Obama then asserted that he had had no idea that Wright had held such views, and was shocked—shocked!—to hear them. This was obviously a lie: Pastor Wright had been giving these speeches publicly for over 20 years, and anyone could tell from his tone of voice, from the expression on his face, and from his gestures that he hated America.

Nor were these views confined to Pastor Wright. A few weeks later, after Wright had retired, the new pastor of the TUCC invited Father Michael Pfleger (another long-time friend of Obama) to speak there. His remarks were equally hate-filled, and the enthusiastic response of the audience left no doubt that this was a “Hate Whitey” church.

It is a truism that almost all politicians lie, but Obama’s lies involve not just casual stands on particular issues, but his deepest loyalties and hatreds. If Obama has any patriotic feelings, it is not to the United States of America, but rather to the “Republic of Black America.” In his heart, Obama considers us his enemies; and he is therefore our enemy. Even if the specific policies that he proposes were wise (and I do not think they are) it would be foolhardy in the extreme to permit someone who in his heart is our enemy to become our president.

Reason 2: Even if Obama did not hate whites, and was a loyal patriotic citizen, he supports a wide range of policies that will be injurious to us. A few examples:

He favors immediate amnesty for illegal aliens.

He favors additional immigration.

He favors the so-called “Employee Free Choice Act,” which would do away with a secret ballot in elections to establish a union.

He favors extension of (and stricter enforcement of) racial quotas and preferences.

He favors higher taxes.

He opposes each of the three individual programs which are most likely to decrease our dependence on foreign oil—offshore drilling; drilling in Alaska in the ANWR; and nuclear power.

He wants to appoint judges like Ruth Bader Ginsberg who will treat the United States Constitution as a “living document” (in other words, judges who will ignore the Constitution and legislate from the bench).

Although several policies supported by McCain are bad, Obama is much worse on most issues of concern to us than McCain is.

Although McCain plainly wants illegal aliens to eventually get a path to citizenship, he has accepted that we must first get control of our borders. To this end, he supports building a fence along our southern border. The Democrats, of course, will fight the construction of the fence at every stage, so there is little chance that it will be substantially in place four years from now. As a practical matter, this means there will probably be no general amnesty during McCain’s first term, thus giving us another chance to defeat amnesty at the polls.

McCain opposes the Employee Free Choice Act.

McCain seems indifferent to racial quotas and preferences, which is surely not what I would want in an American president, but is still much better than Obama’s plan to extend them.

McCain opposes higher taxes.

He supports both offshore drilling and nuclear power.

McCain has consistently said that he wants to appoint Supreme Court justices like John Roberts, who will follow the Constitution, and not legislate from the bench.

Note that although some of Obama’s policies (for example, higher taxes) can be easily reversed by a future administration, others (such as his appointments to the Supreme Court, or an immediate amnesty for illegal aliens) will be very difficult to reverse. Note, in particular, that granting amnesty to most of the illegal aliens already here will result in giving the Democrats several million additional votes in all future elections, making it much more difficult to restrict immigration in the future.

Although the vice-presidential candidate is normally of secondary importance, a few brief words about Sarah Palin seem in order. In choosing a vice-president, the main question is not how gracious that person will be at ceremonial events for foreign dignitaries, or whether her children have always shown good judgment, or even whether she will give the president good advice (a president is free to choose his advisors and to ignore the advice of his vice president), but only: Will this person make a good president if the person at the top of the ticket dies?

The answer in this case seems clear: Although Palin is almost as inexperienced as Obama, I would much rather see her as president than Obama. (In fact, on several of the most important issues I would rather see her as president than McCain.) Who do you think is more likely to adopt sensible policies on immigration, Obama or Palin? Who is more likely to adopt sensible policies on racial preferences and quotas? Who would you rather see making appointments to the Supreme Court? Not a close choice, is it?

- end of initial entry -

LA replies:

Is it true that Obama has expressed deep alienation from white America? Yes. Is it true that he sees ongoing racial inequality in America as resulting from white racism? Yes. Is it true that he sat in Wright’s pews for 20 years and never objected? Yes. Is it true that he told some of the biggest lies ever told about how he knew nothing about Wright’s positions and attitudes for the last 20 years? Yes. Is it true that as president he will seek to advance the ongoing transformation of American identity into that of a nonwhite country? Yes. Is it true that all the above are strong reasons to oppose his election? Yes. Is it true that if we still had decent standards in this country, after Obama’s history with Wright and Obama’s lies about it emerged last spring, Obama would have been forced out of the presidential race? Yes.

All this being true does not indicate that Obama “hates” whites. Jeremiah Wright has repeatedly expressed hatred of white people. Obama has never done so. There is overwhelming evidence, which I would say is beyond a reasonable doubt, that Obama tolerates hatred of whites. (Indeed, not only does he tolerate it but he justifies it, as I showed in my analysis of his March 18 race speech.) But there is no evidence that he himself hates whites. To say that he does, especially given his benign personality, is a crude overstatement that weakens the anti-Obama argument.

Yes, Obama’s 20 year devout following of a Farrakhan-like white-hater and his total lies about it justly open Obama to the suspicion of being a white-hater. Yet it remains the case that he himself does not convey, through his words, attitudes, body language or in any other way, hatred of whites.

September 27

Don writes:

Michael Hart’s logic is impeccable regarding Obama. Mr. Auster uses faith and unreliable cues such as body language, presentation, etc. to absolve Obama of anti-white hatred. I suspect Obama, and Mr. Auster should too.

LA replies:

But it’s not just faith and body cues that I base my position on, it’s the fact that Obama has never expressed hatred of whites. Yes, he has expressed various resentments of whites. But not hatred. Yes, he has tolerated and hung out with virulent white=haters, and then lied about it about it. But he himself has never expressed hatred of whites.

For the same reason I don’t call Patrick Buchanan an anti-Semite. He has never attacked Jews as Jews. Yes, he’s an enemy of Israel who wants Israel to cease to exist. Yes, he’s an excuser of Muslim terrorists. And yes, the reason he cannot take a whole-hearted stand against Muslims and the Islamization of the West is very likely that he see Muslims as the enemies of Israel and neocons (and, probably, though we don’t it for sure, of Jews), and he is following the amoral syndrome of the “enemy of my enemy is my friend.” And for these things he should be thoroughly condemned. And I’ve condemned him more than anyone. But Buchanan has never attacked Jews as Jews, and therefore I do not call him an anti-Semite.

To make a serious charge such as “white-hater” or “Jew-hater” against a person, the person must have actually DONE the thing of which he’s accused. Or at least that’s the way it seems to me. But when has Obama ever shown, by his own words and actions, hatred of whites?

Also please notice how my thoroughgoing condemnation of Obama on many counts is lost on you. Because I don’t agree with the statement, “Obama hates whites,” therefore, as you see it, I’m giving Obama a pass and not suspecting him. Only 100 percent condemnation of him will suffice to show I’m anti-Obama. 90 percent is not enough.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 21, 2008 01:25 PM | Send

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