Reflections on readers turned off by my dissent on Palin

LA to Evariste:

By the way, a significant number of readers, some of them long time readers and supporters, have been alienated by my stand on the Palin nomination.

Evariste replies:

That’s a shame, and I’m sorry to hear it. I thought your position was sympathetic, nuanced, and perfectly respectable. She is a very compelling figure, but she should not have been the VP choice this time around given her family circumstances, and it will be a tragedy to see her mediagenic charm and personal magnetism deployed to advance John McCain’s agenda. It’s Beauty and the Beast, except she won’t be transforming this beast into a prince.

I think anyone who’s alienated will come around as the logic of the situation plays itself out. The nomination is inappropriate and your only sin is pointing it out.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 23, 2008 11:51 PM | Send

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