Limbaugh’s idiot fury

I heard that Rush Limbaugh said today that he’s furious at what is happening, because he still believes in conservative ideals, he believes that they’re winning ideals and that the Republicans gave up those ideals, and that that’s why they’re losing now.

Limbaugh is an incoherent fool who doesn’t know his own mind and doesn’t take responsibility for his own actions. He spent the last eight years cheerleading for G.W. Bush, the man who more than any other traduced conservative ideals. Limbaugh himself in his rare reflective moments would acknowledge that Bush was no conservative, but then, instead of drawing logical conclusions from that insight and acting on them, he would immediately rush back to his rah-rah support for Bush. If Limbaugh had spent the last eight years clearly and consistently stating that Bush is NOT a conservative and that therefore he, Limbaugh, could NOT embrace him, then he would have the right to complain about the Republicans’ betrayal of conservative ideals. As it is, he has no right to complain about it, because, by marrying himself to Bush, he facilitated the betrayal.

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Brandon F. writes:

Nice comments on Limbaugh. I was listening to Sean Hannity today (as much as I could stand) and noticed the same kind of sense of panic and unbelief. These Bush apologists share the responsibility of this fiasco.

Have you noticed the similarity between McCain and Dole? It’s as if the Republican establishment offers up these old men to be slaughtered in these situations.

Gintas writes:

Who’s next after McCain? Some random body washed up by Hurricane Ike?

Ocrober 15

David B. writes:

As you know, I used to keep up with what Rush was saying, but haven’t listened for several months. For years, Rush would proclaim, “Do what Reagan did,” over and over. Or, regarding the liberalism of the current President Bush, “I can’t understand it.”

I have a theory about Limbaugh and GWB, as well as the Bush family. The Bushes have courted Limbaugh ever since Bush the elder was in office. I first listened to Rush in 1991, and he told of receiving notes from President Bush. He loved it. George W. Bush has gone farther. He has invited Limbaugh to the White House, which Rush brags about on air, at least once after the 2007 amnesty fight. Limbaugh gushed about what a wonderful man George W. Bush is.

I have written you before about Limbaugh blasting the “GOP elites,” without mentioning GWB. Once he even said the “White House” was pushing amnesty. Who does he think is in the White House? A side issue is that Rush worships men who have made a lot of money “on their own,” even though these men are often liberals. Years ago, Limbaugh spent weeks praising and defending Bill Gates.

To sum up, flattery will go a long way with Rush Limbaugh.

John writes:

Being a traditional conservative, I have to ask, how could Limbaugh even classify himself a conservative, and at the same time, not criticize Bush every day of the week? Bush is not conservative at all and the Bush presidency has been a disaster for America, conservatives, and the Republican party. Things are so bad on so many issues, it’s impossible to believe it wasn’t done purposefully. Limbaugh is just another part of the problem. Perhaps, because of his popularity, he could have made a difference in all that has transpired by influencing public opinion, but he wasn’t man enough to stand up for America. Doesn’t any one have integrity anymore? All the other so-called conservative talk show hosts are in lockstep as though scripted by Limbaugh in their lying excuses for Bush and his neocon handlers, and they avoid discussing what’s really going on. They are either collectively stupid or deliberately lying to their listeners in order to maintain their popularity for their own personal profit, all while America is in a steep decline we may not come back from. There is absolutely no voice of truth out there in mainstream, “conservative” talk radio. I’ve tuned them all out. I’m just not interested in what Juan McCain or Sarah Palin is doing today. They would simply continue the same crippling policies that have brought us here.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 14, 2008 11:02 PM | Send

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