PC British adoption services

A remarkable story in the London Times about a British couple who, unable to have their own baby and having difficulty adopting in Britain, adopted a Moroccan boy, but had to convert to Islam in order to do so. Then, when they wanted to adopt a second Moroccan boy, they were forced by British social services to prove that they were living a sufficiently Islamic life style, and even told that they would have to be filmed in their home caring for their son to verify that his upbringing was sufficiently Islamic. At that point they gave up on the second adoption. The couple, Robert and Jo Garofalo, blame the situation on “political correctness,” and my thought on reading that comment was, isn’t it more likely that there are Muslims in British social services who are requiring this?

But apparently not. Apparently this really is about hyper leftist British social workers, who made even the first adoption extraordinarily difficult, putting all kinds of obstacles in their path. Thus:

Mrs Garofalo’s former husband was contacted for a reference, even though their marriage had lasted only months, when she was in her early twenties. On one occasion, Mrs Garofalo was asked: “Would you adopt a child with a terminal illness or a facial disfigurement?” “When I told her I wouldn’t want to adopt a child with a facial disfigurement or one that was going to die, she became very condescending,” said Jo. “She said, ‘So. Jo. You have a problem with facial disfigurement?’

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 20, 2008 08:51 AM | Send

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