The silver lining of an Obama presidency

Here is evidence, copied from, that an Obama presidency would be, as I have said many times, a four-year long white consciousness-raising session about the agenda of blacks and the left.


The equation here between “black man” and “wants something (from white people) for nothing” is palpable. Indeed the commentary is so cutting it could be called racist, except that racist means something that is morally wrong, and how can a statement that is undeniably true—namely the statement that organized black America seeks infinite unearned benefits from white America and uses guilt, intimidation, and other, more benign-seeming, forms of emotional manipulation to get them—be morally wrong?

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Karen writes from England:

Sums him up in a nutshell! Wait for high taxes, socialised medicine, affirmative action for coloureds, decreased military spending, mass immigration, increased welfare benefits, more social housing… America will be a candy shop for all the Third World peoples.

October 30

Mark Jaws writes:

Karen from England says:

“Wait for high taxes, socialised medicine, affirmative action for coloureds, decreased military spending, mass immigration, increased welfare benefits, more social housing… America will be a candy shop for all the Third World peoples.”

I would tell Karen that for the past 35 years under either WHITE conservative presidents or under WHITE conservative Congresses we already have had mass immigration, affirmative action, increased welfare. And nothing will change if John McCain is elected.

This thing about “higher federal taxes” is a non-issue for me. Under the auspices of the GOP, the non-white, low-skilled, Spanish-speaking population has mushroomed and we taxpayers AT THE LOCAL LEVEL have had to shell out mucho dinero for ESL classes and other services for “children at risk.”

I think, however, under the leadership of Obama, we finally come to realize that the water is indeed boiling, and if we don’t seriously consider jumping out of the pot, we are dead meat. Thus, there is only one, and only one solution, and I have been advocating it for some time here—secession from the federal monstrosity which has turned into the mortal enemy of conservative white Americans. How to do it, is another thing, but I know that Obama will force more and more folks to think the Mark Jaws way—perhaps even Lawrence Auster. And that is an important first step.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 29, 2008 10:48 AM | Send

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