The Unwritten Ballad of Barack Obama

Now we hear the latest Obama mind-blower: his 56 year old Kenyan aunt, Zeituni Onyango, sought asylum in the U.S. four years ago, was refused and ordered deported by a judge, ignored the order, and is now an illegal alien living in state subsidized housing in Boston. (Michelle Malkin has a lot on it.)

The only way to do justice to the endless number of shadowy, marginal, and unlawful associations in this man’s life would be in a Bob Dylan-type, “Chimes of Freedom”- or “Desolation Row”-length ballad with many verses and vignettes, starting with his conception (17 year old girl starts college and gets impregnated by African socialist within two months); his parents’ bigamous and thus non-existent marriage and thus Obama’s illegitimacy; his uncertain birthplace and thus uncertain citizenship; his father’s abandonment of him and his mother when he was two; his mother’s spectacular wackiness; her second marriage to a Third World Muslim man; his Muslim schooling in Indonesia and likely status as a Muslim; his grandfather’s vile leftism; his fake epiphany over his grandmother’s “racist” reaction to the black panhandler who accosted her and his resulting alienation from white America; his hanging out in his teens with black Communist Frank Marshall Davis; his father’s alcoholism and self-destruction in Kenya, including the car accident in which he lost both legs; his twenty or so half-siblings spread around the world; his shadowy college years (no one at Columbia remembers him) … and, hey, that just takes Obama up to age 22, we haven’t even gotten to his adult life yet—to Wright, Rezko, Ayers, Dohrn, and a cast of thousands.

It just doesn’t end. The man is a walking cornucopia of the marginal, the communist, the alien, the inappropriate, the un-American, and the anti-American. And we’re about to elect him president of the United States.

- end of initial entry -

John Hagan, who sent me the story, writes:

Ha, it is all so surreal. You would think that since Obama is a United States senator he could have helped his aunt with her deportation issues? I don’t know, lol, I just don’t know.

Richard O. writes:

Your blog is always interesting, Larry. And civil.

LA replies:

Not everyone agrees. The other day a long time reader said that I write “disgusting,” “racist” “mud” at VFR that no decent person can feel comfortable associating with.

* * *

Here’s a just-discovered verse from “The Ballad of Barack Obama”:

Stanley Ann, she’s such a lefty
“It takes one to know one,” she smiles
And puts her hands in her back pockets
Margaret Mead style.
And in comes Obama, from Kenya
An up and coming young man
Who impregnates her and marries her
Then returns to his real wife again.
And all that’s left of their romance
After the African goes
Is Stanley Ann, bringing up her child
On Desolation Row.

(To see the original lyric this is based on, go here and see second verse.)

* * *

David L. writes:

I knew you’d get a hold of this! It’s spreading like wildfire all over the Internet, particularly at FR. My favorite post is by exit82:

Auntie Z is illegally living in America.

Auntie Z is living in public housing, subsidized by you and me. Therefore, an American citizen who would have been eligible for this taxpayer paid housing has been denied this benefit.

Auntie Z lists no source of income. How does she support herself?

Auntie Z. has been under a deportation order for four years.

Auntie Z. said she joined Project Experience three years ago. This is a government paid program that teaches over 55 folks to volunteer in the public school.

Auntie Z is 57. Three years ago she was 54. Thus she was not the age required, ie 55, in order to participate in this program.

Auntie Z. says she joined the program BECAUSE SHE WAS IDLE. Then, what is and was her source of income?

Auntie Z. has been under a deportation order the entire time she was in Project Experience.

If Auntie Z.has been receiving Food Stamps, she has been receiving them illegally for at least four years.

Auntie Z. has contributed $ 260.00 to Obama, illegally, as she is not a citizen. This money probably originated with the US taxpayer. ACORN principles in action.

Auntie Z. could have lived in Obama’s million dollar mansion in Chicago, and helped Michelle raise the kids. But just like the kids not seeing their soon to expire white Grandma in Hawaii in August or October, Michelle doesn’t want the kids polluted with never-do-well poor relations.

Auntie Z. has sponged off the US taxpayer for five years, four of which while under a legal Federal deportation order, thus taking money due for an American citizen rightly eligible for the benefits she enjoyed.

Auntie Z. might be a nice lady, but she’s Kenya’s problem, not ours. Wednesday morning she needs to be on her way to Logan airport bound for Kenya.

And send her no good nephew and his wife the bill for the airfare.

We’ve paid enough.

[end of quote]

Of course, this story by itself will not derail Obama. But it IS part of a series of huge mistakes and blunders by him and Biden. The most recent was the Obama Campaign kicking three or four newspaper reporters off his plane, all four papers endorsing McCain. When you turn against the Press, you lose.

What is most revealing—and, assuming he loses on Tuesday—is that it was AP, not The Washington Times, that broke this story. It may have been leaked from within ICE/DHS, but AP ran with it. And the Khalidi story was broken by The L.A. Times, another pro-Obama rag. It is not, therefore, “a right-wing conspiracy”.

Whether these facts (liberal rags running these two stories) mitigate the riots that are sure to break out on Wednesday in cities across the U.S. when Obama loses, I can’t say. We can all be thankful, no doubt, that these elections are held in the cool or cold of fall, not summer! It’s good to see Americans buying handguns like they’re going out of style.

November 1

Bill Carpenter writes:

Which is why we may elect him. That the last may be first, enacting the liberal version of Christianity as the gratification of the resentment of worldly differences.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 01, 2008 01:52 AM | Send

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