The evil people who are Barack Obama’s closest associates

People who follow and/or write about contemporary events deal with disturbing things all the time. We are shocked by something, we react with a sense of inner perturbation at the insanity or evil in the world, maybe we say something about it, and then we move on. But sometimes there is something so shocking and disgusting it has a physical impact on us. When I read the following, I lost it: I stopped reading, bent my head, and sat there stunned for several seconds.

The information comes from a Daniel Pipes e-mail. After going through the litany of Barack Obama’s Muslim numerous Muslim connections, Pipes continues:

In this context, yet another connection, documented at, may not come as a great surprise, but it nonetheless remains shocking: William Ayers, Obama’s close associate at the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, dedicated the 1974 terrorist manifesto he co-authored, Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism, to (among others) Sirhan Sirhan, Robert F. Kennedy’s Jordanian assassin.

* * *

Oh, the irony. Last spring, when Hillary Clinton, under unfair pressure to concede the race to Obama, made a couple of innocent comments about how the 1968 Democratic contest race went all the way to the California primary in June and therefore she should not prematurely give up on her candidacy, and suddenly everyone accused her of invoking the assassasination of Robert Kennedy and of suggesting that the contest should be stretched out because maybe Obama might be killed too. Yet now we know that Obama, the supposed target of Hillary’s supposed assassination hints, had in reality been for years the close associate and active partner of a man who had dedicated a book to the murderer of Bobby Kennedy.

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James N. writes:

It’s funny how the same information strikes different people differently.

When I read about the Prairie Fire dedication to Sirhan Sirhan, my reaction was, “Of course! Doesn’t everybody know what I know about these people?”

It would seem that even a connoisseur of leftist psychopathology such as yourself can still be surprised.

So much of my drive to vote for McCain rests on my deep understanding of the soixante-huitards who surround Obama. What has shaken me profoundly is the realization that they are all still busy behind the scenes, working for, believing in, “the revolution.” A specter is haunting America.

As with Marx, commenting on the use of politics to bring about the overthrow of politics, “Once that destruction is accomplished, Europe will leap from its seat and exultantly exclaim: Well grubbed, old mole!”

Here’s a quote from Rosa Luxembourg, 1919:

And here again we are confronted by our old betrayed slogans of revolution and socialism, words which we repeated a thousand times in our propaganda and which we failed to put into practice when, on the outbreak of war, the time came to give substance to them. They again presented themselves to every thinking socialist as the futile genocide dragged on. They presented themselves once more in an obviously negative form as a result of the wretched fiasco of the attempts of bourgeois pacifism at achieving a diplomatic agreement. Today we again see them in a positive light; they have become the substance of the work, the destiny and the future of the Russian Revolution. Despite betrayal, despite the universal failure of the working masses, despite the disintegration of the Socialist International, the great historical law is making headway—like a mountain stream which has been diverted from its course and has plunged into the depths, it now reappears, sparkling and gurgling, in an unexpected place.

Old mole. History, you have done your work well! At this moment the slogan, the warning cry, such as can be raised only in the great period of global change, again resounds through the International and the German proletariat. That slogan is: Imperialism or Socialism! War or Revolution! There is no third way!

I hope you will be able to see your way clear to voting for McCain. If he loses, great darkness lies right around the corner.

November 4

LA writes:

The fact that Obama was a close active associate for several years with William Ayers, who dedicated a book to Sirhan Sirhan, the murderer of Robert Kennedy, becomes more grotesque when we remember (as Alec H. has reminded me) that RFK’s relatives—niece Carolyn and brother Ted—have endorsed Obama and that Carolyn is active in his campaign.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 03, 2008 02:03 AM | Send

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